Tristan's Terrible Tale

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My God, was he mad. He stood in this silence, staring at me. I swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Hey, Tris, I'm so sorry... I didn't know why you were doing it. I just thought you were trying to hurt me, not get me with Luca--"

"Well, then I guess you still don't know." Tristan strode between me and Edward. "I didn't do it to get you with Luca, I was just trying to get you away from Steven, who's a creepy clingy stalker. You just don't see it, but I do. I know that he constantly follows you around, and he is always looking over your shoulder when you're on the phone and that he microscopically inspects your Instagram feed or Snapchat Story for any hints about your life."

As if on cue, the sky clouded over and the wind picked up.

"And let's be honest, Natasha, you never liked him, you never even fancied him, let alone love him." Tristan tilted his head at an angle and smirked at me. "I'm not even sure you fancy Luca, I just think that you fancied the idea of not being with Steven. It's also why you fancy Anthony, and even Edward. But you still don't fancy me though."

I felt the first drop of icy rain hit my cheek and run down it. "Tris, you're one of my best friends. Fancying you would be like fancying my--"

"Brother? I know how it ends," Tristan snarled. He turned around and walked away.

I sprinted after him. "So that's what this is about? You getting rejected by me all those years ago?"

"It doesn't matter what this is about!" He pushed me away from him. Stunned, I stumbled and fell, just to feel Edward's arms catch me and hold me up. He pushed me behind him gently and faced Tristan alone.

Tristan raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Don't tell me that you think you can take me on! I will leave you left for dead."

Edward squared up to Tristan and balled his fists.

"Don't you dare hurt Natasha ever again. Just because you're a jealous little piece of--" Tristan pulled the first punch, throwing Edward's head sideways. He took a second to recover, but then managed to take Tristan on with full strength.

I couldn't watch. They were going to tear each other apart... over me.

Edward gripped onto Tristan's shirt and spun him to the floor, only for Tristan to grab his leg and drag him down with him.

"Stop it!" I whined. "Stop, please!"

They didn't.

Tristan grabbed Edward's head and slammed it against the floor. I burst into tears, only to watch him do it again.

Not thinking clearly, I dived towards Tristan. I kicked him. He doubled up, silently writhing.

Edward jumped up, only to watch me sprint away. I just wanted to get away, because I knew that when Tristan recovered, he'd skin me alive. He'd break me. He'd kill me. And the worst thing? He wouldn't feel any remorse. None at all, he'd just want me dead.

I smashed the door to a classroom open and slammed it shut. Whispering surfaced from behind me. Oh goodie, I've walked into some year seven's meeting.

I turned around to face what I thought would be a bunch of smiling curious faces, but actually, I was faced with two people. Two people I did not want to see right now.

"Natasha? Are you OK?" Laura asked, face full of concern.

"Are you serious?!" I screamed. "Can my day get any more hellish?!"

"What's up?" Luca ran his hand through his hair, and sounded so casual. I wanted to grab him into a hug. "Tristan?"

"How the hell did you know?" I demanded. Luca shrugged.

"We're pretty good friends actually." Luca suddenly had this glow, and I was jealous. I wanted to make him glow like that. "He was really nice to me on my first day... he made me feel really welcome."

"Yeah, he does that." I snorted with bitter laughter. "And then, before you know it, he's screwed you over and is trying to kill Edward!"

"Edward, he's the one you had a one night stand with, right?" Luca asked. My heart stopped. Three other people knew about that one night stand. Rosie, Anthony and Tristan. "Tristan and I tell each other everything."

That's when I clicked. Why did it take me this long?

"I have to go," I blurted, and ran out of the room.

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