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The ride back from the pool was pretty silent. I mulled over my encounter with Alex and Brady, the lifeguards, and what the boys could have been retrieving from a public pool. When I tried to ask Tyler, he seemed guarded and gave me a noncommittal about waiting for my other guys. Woah Tasha.  My thoughts drifted to how Braedon, Tyler, and Cole looked shirtless. When we made it back to the house I was so lost in thought I hadn't even realized we had arrived. 

I went straight to the living room still consumed by sexy shirtless images. I rubbed my eyes to clear my head and noticed that only Hunter had followed me. He smiled and plopped down next to me on the couch.

"You looked amazing today by the way." His head was leaned back on the couch with his eyes closed, but there was a tell tale blush on his cheeks. I smiled softly at his admission.

"Thanks Flash." I placed one of my hands on his forearm and his blush deepened. I left my hand and laid back on the couch copying his posture and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I heard feet on the stairs and perked up to see Cole and Tyler come down the stairs. Cole was blushing and rubbing the back of his head. I wonder what that is about.  When they made it to the couches they sat opposite me in the two armchairs and Hunter moved to the loveseat perpendicular to me. As soon as everyone had settled the front door opened and Jax and Braedon walked in. My smile grew larger as the last of my guys walked into room. There it is again. They both sat down next to me and started bombarding me with questions from Braedon and flirting from Jax.

"Bunny, how was the pool?"

"I bet you looked smokin' in your bikini *wink*"

"They didn't harass you too much did they?"

"And I bet you laid out for them after you got you, didn't you?"

"Please tell me they didn't touch you."

"Your blushing again Red, you teased them huh?"

My blush had started spreading down my neck and I pushed some hair out of my face to try and bring some cool air to my inflamed face. I then placed my palms over my cheeks to try and hide to infuriating color. Tyler cleared his throat and they both got quiet waiting for him to continue.

"Alright let's debrief. Cole you start." Debrief?  They had said this was an assignment but now they were making it sound like we were in some kind of spy novel.

"She was amazing. She seemed a little nervous at first," with this he looked over at me and I blushed a deeper shade of red, "But you wouldn't have guessed she was this delicate little thing by the way she just walked up to both of them and invited them over. It was breathtaking." He paused here and Tyler just looked at him waiting for him to continue. Cole sighed. There seemed to be some tension between them but I filed it away for later.

"There was one small adjustment made. One of them turned out to be gay, or maybe even bi, but either way he seemed to more interested in me than Tasha. So she made me take the lead on that one." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and tried not to look anyone in the eyes. I looked to the other guys and none of them seemed fazed by this information. Hunter was the only one that looked a little surprised. Tyler seemed satisfied with Cole's answers and turned towards me.

"Tasha, why were you uncomfortable?" His brows furrowed in concerned. I thought back on my interactions with Brady.

"Well at first everything seemed fine and the guys seemed harmless, but after a few minutes, the one  I was focused on, Brady, he became almost possessive. He told me that he was glad I wasn't seeing anyone although he barely said anything else to me. Also when he saw me talking or looking at Cole his face held this rage... I was really uncomfortable and thought that someone should know. Plus, it boosted my confidence to know that you all would come for me if I asked." I looked down at my hands in my lap as I finished feeling shy about my confession. I did feel more confident when they were with me, and even more so when all five were there.

All of them grew tense at my recollection and had varying expressions of anger and concern on their faces. Braedon reached over and grasped my knee.

"He looked possessive of you?" He squeezed my knee in his hand and there was a storm brewing in his eyes. He turned to look at Tyler with his hand still firmly gripping at my knee.

"He was not supposed to react to her. She was just supposed to keep him outside." I was confused now. They knew Brady and Alex?  Tyler looked down at his lap with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I know." His head fell into his hands and then just as quickly popped back up. "Hunter, go."

"I found the stash and was able to set up the cameras like we had planned-"

"Wait. Stash?" I was extremely confused now and wanted answers. All of the guys looked slightly uncomfortable now.

"Uh, Cap. The Pool is a front."

"A front? I still don't understand."

"The lifeguards are using the pool as a cover to distribute drugs." My jaw dropped open. Kids went there during the day.

"Your kidding right? We have to go to the police!" The guys all sat there staring at me.

"Well, gorgeous, that's the thing," Jax was the first to speak up, "we, let's say can't, go to the police."

"What do you mean?" How could we not go to the police with something like this?

"The knights don't report crime. We gather damning evidence and then... we use it against them."

"Let me get this straight, you know about illegal activities, but you don't go tot he police. Instead you keep the information and... use it against them?"

"Pretty much." Jax was still the only one talking.

"Use it how?"

"Well, uh, blackmail." He coughed and looked away trying to hide what he just said. I popped off the couch and turned to face him.

"Did you just say blackmail?" Again none of the guys said anything as I stood watching them grow more uncomfortable.

"Fine!" I threw my hands up in the air and turned towards the stairs to go gather my things.

"Wait!" Cole jumped up and followed me the few steps I had taken. "Yes. Blackmail. We keep the information to get people to do things for us. Usually it's to protect someone or to prevent something from happening." I stopped and looked at him, trying to read his facial expression. His eyes held honesty and guilt.

"You use blackmail... to help people." I started laughing and soon tears were streaming down my face. "That is so ironic." I noticed that all of the guys had finally relaxed and were smiling along with me.

"So why are you all freaked out so much by Brady taking an interest in me?"

"Well Bunny," Braedon had gotten up from the couch and made his way over to where Cole and I were standing, " Brady is the ring leader of this particular group. I blanched at his words.

"What?" my voice was barely a whisper. Brady's furious face flashed in my mind and I suddenly reliazed why he had taken such an interest in me. "This is not good."

"No Bunny it's not." I felt Braedons strong arms go around but wasn't really present in the room; I was too busy freaking out. If Brady had reacted that way towards me at the pool, he would never give up.

"What are we gonna do?" I looked up into Braedons bright green eyes searching for comfort and safety. His arms tightened around me and he placed a small kiss to my hair line.

"We are going to play it by ear until we know more."

"That doesn't really sound like a good plan." He frowned at my words but nodded his head.

"I know. But it's the best we've got right now."

A/N: Sorry this is so late! I kept sitting down to write in my spare time and couldn't get anything out. I also worked a ton these past two weeks so spare time was few and far between. I should be back on track for weekend updates, so the next part will be up Friday/Saturday.

Again, thank you for all your support! Your votes and comments are what keep me writing :)

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