celebrityreport models meredith mickelson and neels visser are seen hanging around la for a couple of weeks now. both of them are in a relationship or so we thought because some fans may have caught both meredith and neels holding hands while exiting the famous restaurant catch. are both of them starting something more than just friendship? what does shawn mendes and cindy warburton think about this. read more at www.celebrityreport.com/meredith neels
meredithmickelson lol just friends i'm still w shawn
neelsvisser i'm still w cindy
wolfiecindy last time i checked i was w neels
shawnmendes lol this is absurd
brodie_anne lmao
dreaminqmendes o
shawnmendesupdates1 .
wolfiecindydaily neels i'm watching u
merebitch "i'm still w shawn" lmao sure.
sure shawn sure, it's absurd.