Chapter 11

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A few days had passed since the feast and I had promised Merlin and Gaius I would help out today without the people's medicine today. It was lovely to greet the people of Camelot and I could tell they appreciated what I had done. Along our way Merlin and Gaius spotted a man lying face down and decided to investigate. I caught up with them and saw Gaius about to examine the man. "Aren't you scared?" Merlin's face held nerves causing Gaius to look up and answer his question. "Of what?" Silence fell while Merlin seemed to contemplate on saying what was in his mind.

"Well, that you might catch whatever it is!" it was true I couldn't do what he does I'd be too frightened for myself which is so selfish. "I'm called a physician Merlin, it's part of my job." His blunt reply gave Merlin the signal to be quest a let Gaius continue. "Most of the time there's nothing really to be afraid of". He used his strength to turn the body onto its back revealing a dead man with ice white skin and clouded eyes. It was horrific and caused me to step back in fear Merlin came over and reassured me to not worry. But I saw the look they shared and there was fear. "You were saying?" Merlin was pretty straight was his statement and it was true this really was awful and caused us all to feel distressed, some more than others.

"People mustn't see this, they'll panic!" Merlin pulled a blanket off from a washing line covering the poor man's body just in time before another group of villagers walked by. The too lifted the body onto a cart in order to transport it to the castle.

Along the way we met Gwen who held some flowers in her hand. "What are you doing?" she was so cheerful as usual and held the biggest smile upon her face. Merlin walked toward the back of the cart to stop her looking at the bodies underneath the covers.

"Ur, just moving something" she peeked over his shoulder still trying to catch a look "Looks heavy!"

"Oh, it's nothing really. Has someone got you some flowers?" Merlin finally managed to change the topic. "oh no.... would you like one? A purple one." Merlin took the delicate flower into his had a looked a little embarrassed. "Purple suits you, not that I'm saying red doesn't suit you!" Poor Gwen was feeling the same and I could see the smile Merlin had wiped all over his face. "Thanks" He then looked for a place to put the flower his good friend had given him and decided at the top of his shirt near his scarf. The tow stared at each other, I glanced over at Gaius and the two of us shared a look.

"Ur well see you" and Gwen said her goodbye so the three of us set off again.

We arrived at Gaius and Merlin' chambers and set the man upon the table. "I have never seen anything like this before" He held his magnifying glass close to the ghostly skin. I was stood behind Merlin but I knew that wouldn't solve anything. "Do you think it could be some kind of plague?" Merlin' question was brilliant and if it was yes then Camelot could be in serious trouble.

"No, I fear something like this could never come from nature." I knew immediately what he was stating. "But who has this kind of power?" the two men shared a concerned look. Both Merlin and I asked the same question at the same time "do you think it was caused by magic?"

"MERLIN!" Arthur's voice boomed through the stone corridors and Merlin quickly went to the door trying desperately to block off the dead and body. "I'm on my way, sorry I'm late" Arthur's dull face glared at Merlin. His voice held no emotion. "Don't worry I'm getting used to it." until he had spotted the purple flower Gen gave him hanging out of his top. "Oh, Gwen... she gave it to me". Arthur did not care one bit. "Tell Gaius my father wants to see him now".

Merlin waited till Arthur had got to the other side of the corridor before closing the door. "Gaius-"

"I heard" Merlin seemed a bit confused. "Then why couldn't he tell you himself."

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