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(I hate the name but it's a rule)

(I hate the name but it's a rule)

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I got tagged so here we gooo!

1) I'm not religious (but I respect all religions)

2) I'm bi (but prefer girls over guys because I mean, girls.)

3) I'm fourteen

4) I will NOT be quiet if someone is saying/doing something I'm against. I've started fights with random class mates because they've mad homophobic/stupid remarks

5) My mental health is worse than my attitude

6) I'm in love with Greek mythology, I know so much about it and find it unbelievably fascinating

7) In my grade (around 47 students) there's different groups, the athletic group, the 'cool' group (I hate them), the four square players, the people who go back and forth between groups and finally my group, the weird/loud/annoying group. We have people who are bored just randomly sit nearby just to hear our conversation/debates (such as how big in a smurf's dick? A solid hour of serious debating).

8) I'm Australian (yes I have a snake in my backyard, no I don't ride a kangaroo to school)

9) The only sport I'm good at is horse riding

10) If it were up to me I'd never go outside and spend the rest of my life inside a burrito watching anime and YouTube

11) I cannot have a photo taken of me, I hate them so much. I just cringe so much at the thought of someone seeing a photo of me

12) My sneezes are aggressive. They're not like a smal "a-choo" it's like an elephant sneezing.

13) I have seven younger sibling, and no. The seven does not include me.

Well there you go, that was the tag stuff but... yeah I'm sorry for doing this, I'll update soon as I can!

So I'll just tag random people who come up (so if you have no idea who I am and got tagged, now you know what happened)!

And I tag you, the one reading this if I didn't tag you.

Uhhhhhh yeah ok bye guys!


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