Part 2

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It has been a couple days since Sixs' departure and Hunger was starting to get angry. Six didn't have any food to bring with her so she was hungry. She swore to herself that she would not eat another living thing, even if it cost her her life.

Six was becoming tired from all of the rowing and decided to rest. She looked up at the sky. It seemed to be the afternoon, although she couldn't tell the exact time. The sky was light blue and completely clear of clouds. Soon Six found her body feeling heavy as she drifted off into slumber.


Six was running from the janitor, the chefs, and the lady. She looked behind herself as she ran and hit a wall. She blacked out. Then she woke up in a small cage. There were whispers all around her but she couldn't quite make out what they were saying. She started going insane and laughed crazily. It was quiet at first but gradually increased in volume until her laugh echoed throughout the whole Maw. Dark shadow figures surrounded her and said things like:

"You're worthless."

"You don't deserve to live."

"You're a disappointment."

Six held her hands against her ears hard as she tried to block out the voices. Two shadow hands went through the cage and moved her hands away from her head. She struggled to get free from its' grasp. But it was no use. The voices got louder and louder until she couldn't take it anymore and screamed at the top of her lungs. The voices stopped. There was nothing but silence.

Then the janitor, the chefs, and the lady came in. Her cage was unlocked and she was pulled out by one of the chefs.

"You're going to make a nice meal." he said and bared his ugly teeth.

"Make sure she suffers." the lady said.

Six tried to break free from his grasp but it was futile. The chef gave her to the janitor and he began drowning her in the overflowing sink. She didn't have any air left and her mouth went agape. Her lungs filled with water as pain shot through her body. She felt herself fading and she closed her eyes.

(end of dream)

Six shot up and gasped for air as she held her hand to her chest.

Oh it was just a dream.

Six sighed in relief and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. She rubbed her eyes and noticed it was starting to rain.

"Ugggghhhhhh whhhhyyyy?" Six complained.

Six started rowing more as a thunderstorm started. The waves were getting bigger and she was having a harder time controlling the boat. Lightning struck close to her boat and thunder started to roll. It was raining hard now but Six wouldn't give up. Then the waves moved faster and got higher. The next wave sent her boat flying into the sky and she fell out. She screamed as she was about to get hit by a wave. She got knocked out and was just a floating body in the seemingly endless ocean. 

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