--Part 4--

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You had expected Mituna to give up skating after his accident, but obviously seeing the situation you were currently in, you were wrong. Latula gave you a thumbs up as you were pulled away from where you were once sitting.

There was a certain glisten of excitement in Mituna's eyes, he seemed to have an idea. Mituna set his skateboard down on the concrete and slowly let go of your hand. 

Mituna tapped his thumbs together repetitively. He mumbled something under his breath.

"50, UM..." Mituna took a deep breath. "D0 Y0U 7H1NK Y0U C0ULD H3LP M3?" 

Mituna looked back up at you, you could see his hopeful glance through his visor. You smiled at the adorable four horned troll, nodding in agreement. Mituna giggled cutely. You blushed as he yet again grabbed your hand. 

You may not know a lot about skating, but during the time you had been with Latula, she had talked about it so much that you knew enough to be able to help Mituna. 

Mituna stepped onto his skateboard. He wobbled a bit before he began to fall to the ground. You grabbed his arms and pulled him towards you, steadying him before he could collide with the concrete. His skateboard had slid slightly underneath him, which was the unfortunate cause of Mituna's embarrassment. 

Mituna's blush spread across his cheeks, tinting his grey skin yellow. He laughed shyly as you finally managed to pull him back up on his skateboard, letting go of him.


"No problem Tuna."

------------------------------------Time skip because lazy author is lazy-------------------------------------------

It was getting pretty cold outside by now, both you and Mituna were shivering. The sun was setting and you decided it was probably time for you to head home. Mituna offered to walk you back to your 'hive,' which was basically the troll equivalent of a house. It turned out the two of you lived pretty close to each other.

"50 (Y/N)," Mituna looked up from the ground, kicking a rock off of the sidewalk. You looked over at him and smiled softly. "D0 Y0U 7H1NK W3 C4N D0 7H15 4G41N?" 

"Yeah, of course." 

The rest of the walk was pretty silent. Mituna seemed to be deep in thought, he'd open his mouth to speak and then close it again. Occasionally he would shift his skateboard from one arm to the other. 

"Do you think that you could teach me to skateboard?" You decided to break the thick silence. Mituna looked back up at you. 

"Y0u W4N7... M3 70 734CH Y0U?"

"Yeah!" You smiled at Mituna. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to."

"N0, 1 D0 W4N7 70," Mituna smiled and blushed slightly. "1'M JU57 5C4R3D 1'LL M355 UP." 

"We all do Tuna, don't stress it." 

You both returned to silence, which was much more comfortable now. Mituna seemed to relax, like a huge weight was just lifted off of his shoulders. 

You began to reach your house now. Mituna had pointed out his own 'hive' down at the end of your street. You stepped up the stairs that led to your house, pulling your keys from your pocket. 

"Thanks for walking me home Tuna."

"N0 P08L3M," Mituna smiled. "MY H1V3 15 JU57 D0WN 7H3R3." 

Mituna pointed to the end of your street. What was a long narrow street, ended in a loop. Mituna's house was smack bang in the middle of the loop.

"1 L1V3 7H3R3 W17H MY M0R41L KURL0Z," Mituna paused and thought for a moment. "Y0U 5H0ULD V1517 U5 50M371M3."

"Yeah, I will."

"D0 Y0U W4N7 70 C0M3 W17H M3 70 7H3 5K4T3 P4RK 4G41N 70M0RR0W?" Mituna looked down at the ground and traced circles on the sidewalk. "1 C4N C0M3 P1CK Y0U UP." 

"Sure!" You giggled, seeing Mituna's shy side. 

"0K4Y, Y0U C4N US3 0N3 0F MY 5K473804RD5 1F Y0U 571LL W4N7 MY H3LP..."

"Of course, I'll see you tomorrow Tuna." 

You waved to the yellow blooded troll and watched him disappear down the street, smiling to himself adorably.

'He's too cute for his own good.' 



Hey guys! I'm super sorry for the pretty long break between this chapter and the last one. I recently got into another fandom and I've been a little distracted reading multiple fan fictions xD I will probably end up writing some other x readers from that fandom in the future. 

Anyway, I'm super sorry if this chapter felt short or crappy, I keep getting hit with some pretty bad writers block when I do try and sit down and take some time to write. Today I've been trying my best not to get distracted with some other fan fics I've been working on and to finally get another chapter of Captorvating out. Thank you for reading!!

Until next chapter!

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