Season Two: Battlefield

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The next morning, mom locked herself in her room. Scott and I hadn't talked to her since, ya know. I understand though. It's not an ordinary day when you find out that both your kids are werewolves.

I knock on her door and Scott says,

"We're going to school."

She doesn't answer.

"We have to talk about this eventually," I say.

No answer.

Scott and I look at each other and sigh. We walk down the stairs and I turn to Scott.

"I'm going to Derek's. He needs me."

Scott nods.


Derek and I are currently searching through his family books in the Hale House to help us.

"You decided," Derek says, turning around to face Erika and Boyd. "When?"

"Tonight," Erika answers.

"Everyone's gonna be at the game." Boyd adds. "We figured it was the best time."

"It's not like we want to."

Derek steps forward. "What do you want?"

"Since I just turned sixteen a month ago, I wouldn't mind getting my licsence." Erika answers. "I can't do that if I'm dead you know."

"Well I told you there was a price." Derek says.

"But you didn't say it was gonna be like this." Boyd points out.

"Ya, but I told you how to survive. You do it as a pack. And you're not a pack without and Alpha."

Derek turns back around.

"We know." Boyd says, causing Derek to turn again.

"You wanna look for another pack," Derek realizes. "How are you even gonna find one?"

"Think we already did...There must've been a dozen of them."

"Maybe even more." Erika chimes in.

"Ya? Or maybe only two...You know what the Bogest effect is?"

Ohhh! I know.

"If they molguate their howls, with a rapid shift of tone, two wolves can sound like twenty." I say.

"Look that doesn't matter okay?" Erika says. "There's another pack out there. There's gotta be...We made up our minds."

"We lost Derek...Alright, it's over...We're leaving." Boyd concludes.

"No," Derek says angrily. "No, you're running. And once you start, you don't stop. You'll always be running."

Boyd and Erika leave on that note. I walk up to Derek and wrap my arms around him, trying to give him comfort. I think that's what him and Laura did after the fire. Run. Always running from hunters, not knowing where to go.

I feel Derek tense and realize that someone's here. Derek picks up a broken piece of a mirror, turns around, and throws it. I turn around and see a very alive Peter Hale holding it to his neck.

"I expected a slightly warmer welcome," Peter says. "But." He holds up the glass. "Point taken.........Quite the situation you got youself in here Derek...I mean, I was out of commission for a few weeks and suddenly, there's lizard people, geriatric psycho paths, and you're cooking up werewolves out of ever self-esteemed deprived adolescent in town."

"What do you want?" Derek asks.

"Wha- I wanna help. You're my nephew...You're the only relative I have left." Peter walks closer and closer to Derek. "You know, there's still a lot that I can teach you...Can we talk?" Peter places his hand on Derek's shoulder.

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now