Together Again

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Picture of Kate and Spirit ^^from Flicka 2

The sun was setting turning the sky to a beautiful mix of red, orange and pink. The sunset was breathtaking. I sat barefoot on the porch thinking of my mother.

My arm was healing and I had a a whole week before the competitions started, so here I was thinking.
I wondered if my mother would have approved of what I'd done. I wonder if she would have been proud of me, or would she have scolded me like my father? I had no one to talk to. I used to whisper my worries to Spirit, the only friend I had who would listen but now he was gone, and I didn't feel one bit of guilt for setting him free. Spirit deserved to be happy.

My thoughts returned to my mother. I tried to recall how she'd died, but i couldn't really remember. All I remembered was that she fell off the back of a wild mustang that she'd brought in and had broken her spine. A few days later she died.
Before my mother's death our ranch used to train horses and mustang. After her death my father stopped training the horses for people.

The horse that she'd tried to ride had been a wild one. I remember my dad yelling about how they needed to put that horse down. The night my mother died that horse had disappeared. The pasture gate had been left open.

I missed her terribly. I never thought I'd be back here. But ever since I'd met Spirit my life had changed. I never wanted to leave Wyoming again.

I sighed and pulled on my boots. Tom and I had worked on Bella again this morning.
With nothing else to do I decided to go for a hike. Robert,Alison and Tom were out. So I was left here alone.

I immediately followed the trail ducking under a few branches. There was a cool breeze and i slowed my pace, enjoying the silence and scenery.
About twenty minutes later I emerged on the same hill where I'd met Spirit weeks ago. Although it seemed like yesterday.

There was no herd grazing down there. I was alone except for the birds and small woodland animals that were hiding. I stood there for about ten more minutes waiting, hoping that he would appear. As the minutes ticked by I lost hope and turned leave.

I trudged through the grass feeling silly for ever thinking that Spirit was going to be here. He was far away.  I turned to look back one last time when I caught movement down the hill and in the trees. I hesitated. It could be wolves or the mountain lion again.

For the second time I turned to leave when that animal emerged. I shielded my eyes from the setting sun and looked closer. It was a horse that stood between those two aspen trees. A black horse. I'd recognize him anywhere. It was Spirit.

Nothing could describe the happiness I felt. I forgot everything. My eyes only saw Spirit. "Spirit!" I called.
Spirit raised his beautiful head, ears pricked forward. I didn't hesitate. I raced across the grass and down the hill. From the other end Spirit gave a joyful whinny and galloped forward.

We met in the middle of the large field. Spirit reared, his front legs kicking the air. His wild brown eyes had a soft look in them.
I quickly dodged his hooves. Spirit tossed his mane and leaned his head forward. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck.

I kissed his forehead several times. "You came back. I've missed you so much." Spirit looked as beautiful as ever, with his slender neck and powerful long legs, and that beautiful jet black coat.

Spirit nuzzled my shoulder. I never wanted to let him go. We stood there for a long time, under the setting sun. I never wanted to leave.

Spirit broke free and trotted a few feet away from me. Then he turned back to me. I had a crazy idea but at the moment i really didn't care. I walked towards him, grabbed some of his mane and hoisted myself up onto his back.

I leaned forward holding his mane. Then I gave his side a gentle nudge with my boot. For a second Spirit stood still, then he galloped forward. I leaned back laughing as the wind tore at my face. Spirit's strides lengthened as he tore across the grass.

There are no words to describe how riding Spirit felt. The gentle rocking of Spirit beneath me, the wind in my hair, the combination of adventure, exhilaration and the state of being relaxed. This is something that I never want to give up. I wouldn't trade these feelings or this horse for anything in the world.
Because when I'm riding Spirit, when I'm with him, all I feel is free, complete and absolute freedom.

This book is coming to an end. I'm sorry if this meeting between Kate and Spirit was rushed. Maybe 2-3 chapters left, not sure yet. But if you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote & comment please.

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