Growing family | Manuel Neuer

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Alexandra nervously stared down at the item in her hands, while running a hand through her hair.

"Are you alright, mummy?" She suddenly heard her little daughter, Natalie ask.

As she looked to the right she saw the little girl looking at her with big eyes, tightly clutching her teddy-bear to her chest.

"Why are you awake, sweetie?" Alexandra questioned, carefully placing the pregnancy test on the table before walking towards her daughter to pick her up. "It's nearly 1 a.m."

"I don't know," Natalie said, frowning cutely, "Where's daddy?"

"He is sleeping," Her mother explained, slightly shrugging her shoulders.

"And why are you here alone?" She asked, making her mother giggle quietly.

"You have a lot of questions, young lady," Alexandra stated, softly running a hand through her daughter's hair, "I had to take a test."

"What kind of test?" She asked, while her mother shook her head with a big smile.

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow, alright? You should sleep now," Her mother said, slowly walking into her daughter's bedroom.

"Good night, sweetie."


"Alex," Manuel mumbled, softly shaking his girlfriend's shoulder, "Wake up; Natalie and I have made breakfast."

Alexandra opened her eyes before yawning. "What time is it?"

"It's nearly 11 a.m.," He replied, chuckling as she quickly raised up, shock visible in her eyes.

"Natalie needs to go to the kindergarten," She said and was about to jump out of the bed, but the footballer stopped her.

"Don't worry; I already brought her there," He explained, making his girlfriend sigh.

"Thank you," She mumbled, quickly kissing his cheek before getting out of the bed, "I can't believe you made breakfast."

"Well, if you don't want it," He said, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a sad expression.

"You're a bit sensitive today, aren't you?" Alexandra said, rolling her eyes, while chuckling.

"Maybe," Her boyfriend answered after taking her hand to lead her down the stairs to the living room; there she found the table set up with all of her favorite things.

"Wow," She breathed out, while Manuel was sitting down across from her, "This looks amazing; thank you so much!"

"It's no problem," He stated, smiling brightly at her, "You deserve to be treated well."

"You're so cute," He commented when he saw his girlfriend blushing, which made her blush even more.

"And you're an idiot," She replied, taking his hand from across the table.


"Alexandra," Manuel said after they finished breakfast and sat down on the couch together, "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," She answered, shrugging her shoulders with a smile.

"Natalie told me that you were in the living room yesterday night and took a test; what was that about?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows as her eyes went wide.

"Well," She started, taking a deep breath after standing up, "I'll show you."

The goalkeeper watched how she ran up the stairs and came back down a minute later, holding something in her hand.

"Here," She said, handing him the small item with a nervous smile.

Manuel stared at the pregnancy test in silence for a while before looking right into her eyes.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, happiness clearly audible in his voice.

"Yes, I am," Alexandra replied, forgetting her nervousness all of a sudden, "We're going to be parents again."

Her boyfriend immediately jumped up from the couch as he heard those words.

"I'm so happy," He exclaimed, throwing her arms around her in a tight hug, "I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Manuel," She stated, while he got down onto his knees, placing a hand on her still flat stomach.

"And I also love you, little baby," He whispered before standing up again to place a kiss on Alexandra's cheek.

"I'm so glad our little family keeps growing."

This one shot is for @neuerbae
I hope you enjoyed reading it👼

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