Part 1 of Chapter 16.

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*1 month later*

Pooja POV.

Right now, I'm driving back to my house, It's almost 12 pm. Yes, from last one month, I am working late. I completely engrossed myself to my work,so that I can avoid Dom and Sara as well, it's been one month since I have talked to Dom and I  didn't even told Sara what happened between me and Dom. I tried to tell her, but the fear of losing my best friend always stops me. And yes since i'm working late Sara told me to have my personal car to so that there is no need of me to hail car in late night, plus it is quite unsafe.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of my car. I quickly kept my feet on brakes and my car just in a mintues before hitting that figure.

I got out of my car.

"Hey, are you crazy. Do you want to end you life, jumping before my car....", i was yelling then i saw that figure standing in front of me is a girl.
She is bruised very bad, she is completely naked, blood is spelling out of her fresh wound. She seems like, being brutally abused.

"Hey, hey , i'm  sorry, tell me what happen to you", i said to her, she is shaking very badly.

"Hey, don't cry", i took off my coat and give it to her.
"Tell me what happen, who did this with you, come on speak", i said.

She shrieked and passed out. I pick her up, covered her body with my coat and drive her to the nearest hospital.

*In hospital*

"Doctor, doctor, please help her, she is badly injured", i told to Doctor.

"Yes, yes", with that, they took her to operation theatre.

"Miss, we have to inform police about this, that girl has been physically abused", a nurse told me.
"Okay, i will inform them", i said.
"Miss, you have to sign here", nurse told me. I nodded and signed those paper.

*30 minutes later*

"Miss Mehra, you are the one who called us?", Inspector said.
"Yes officer, I'm the one who called you", with that I explained him everything what happened earlier.

"Hmm, we have to take her statement as well, please inform us, when she is awake", with that Inspector take his leave.

I called Sara and told her all incident, right now I'm standing outside operation theatre, waiting for that girl to awake.

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