Never Leave A Fight Unresolved

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I tried opening my eyes but the sunlight coming in from my window was too much at this hour. I flipped over so I was facing the other way and took a look at my phone.

July 5th, 2012- 9:53pm

Realizing the date, that somehow slipped my mind, I jumped out of bed and pulled on a pair of pants before going into the living room of mine and Louis’ apartment. Which is packed up because we both decided our roommate days are over and have both purchased houses. I ran through the living room into the kitchen where I saw Louis making himself some toast.

“What are you doing up at this hour?” I asked him as I pulled the fridge door open and grabbed the orange juice.

“Going to see Eleanor after her morning class. Why are you up so early? Normally you don’t wake up until after noon?” He asked while throwing a few more pieces of bread in the toaster for me.

“Abby gets in today in an hour and a half, and I’m picking her up.”

“Oh that’s right! I almost forgot. Are you happy?” He asked while taking my cup of orange juice from my hand and taking a sip of it.

“Very. Except I sent her a text yesterday saying I’d see her at the airport and she sent me a text back saying we needed to talk. So I’m a bit confused as to what I’ve done wrong,” I told him while putting jam onto my toast and taking a seat at our breakfast bar.

“Have you seen the tabloids recently, mate?” Louis asked from beside me, in which I gave him a confused look. “All the magazines are going on about you and some mystery blonde, they think you and Abby broke up or you got caught cheating on her.”

“What? From when we all went to Funky Buddha last week?” I asked him, appalled as he simply nodded his head. “I wasn’t even pissed! We just shared a cab. Nothing even happened,” I yelled. Getting angry that, that could be the topic of Abby and I’s discussion later on.

“Harry, don’t tell me that. It is a little suspect when she’s on the other side of the globe and sees magazines with pictures of you and a fit, blonde out on the town. No girl would like that,” Louis told me, and I agreed with his reasoning.

“I suppose you’re right. I hope she isn’t too mad because I got us tickets for the Coldplay concert that’s here in a few days,” I, mindlessly, told him.

“I heard that’s supposed to be a good show!” Louis exclaimed while cleaning the mess he made in the kitchen. “Look mate, I’m headin’ out now. So good luck with Abby, yeah?” He asked and I nodded my head. After finishing my toast I drank the rest of my orange juice and went back into my room and hopped into the shower and got ready to go pick up Abby at Heathrow.

I, finally, arrived at the airport and parked my car in the car park. Before climbing out I put my sunglasses on and my beanie. I made the short walk to the entrance of the airport and waited for Abby outside of the terminals. According to the arrival screen her plane just landed and she should be on her way out. A few fans recognized me while I waited and asked for a photo or an autograph, which I happily gave to them. Just as I was in the middle of taking a picture with a little girl I heard someone clear their throat from beside me, when I looked to my left Abby stood there with a smile on her face as our eyes locked with one another’s.

“Hi,” she quietly said as I finished up with the picture.

“Hello,” I said as I closed the space in between us and rested my hands on her hips.

“Can I kiss you or are you too mad at me for that?” I asked her as I gazed into her deep, blue orbs. Instead of answering my question she brought her lips on top of mine. Once I realized what was going on I kissed back, and we both smiled into the kiss.

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