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I lay down in bed for ages, but there's only so much staring at the ceiling you can do before boredom sets in. I dragged myself out of bed and started to head downstairs. Breakfast will be well underway and I'm sure I look like a zombie from the early start. It was worth it though.

I reached the kitchen and everyone turned to look at me in silence. It reminded me of that puppet room with the doctor. Anyway...

"Morning Marie" Mai Lee said. "Want some breakfast?"

"I'm not really hungry" I said. She gave me a sorrow look. "I know you're not up to it but at least try and eat something yeah? Don't want you getting ill"

I took my usual seat at the end of the table and rested my head in my hands. It feels weird without Ryan sitting next to me. Who do I talk to now? This is so lonely and I wasn't lying when I said I don't feel like eating. I only feel like being sad.

"Who had my snow globe?" I suddenly asked as I remembered that it had been returned. Everyone just sort of exchanged confused glances before Mai Lee asked...



"As in they've given it back?"

"Yeah. I went to see Ryan off this morning and when I got back to my room is was back in it's place"

"Are you sure you didn't just have it all along?" Sasha asked.

"Yes I'm sure do you think I'm stupid or something?!
"Woah ok ok calm down. Someone's touchy today"

That did it. I scraped my chair back and stormed upstairs, despite Mai Lee shouting at me. I don't care. Maybe I am touchy. Maybe I'm just upset. But maybe I have a perfectly valid excuse. And that being my boyfriend left so my emotions are a,l over the place. Really she should have been more sensitive.

I flopped back onto my bed, despite the fact I'm hardly tired at all. I just feel so miserable today. I can't wait until I get a text from Ryan but that's going to be ages yet. I hope he's doing ok, and not being annoyed by Chloe.

I can ask Mike when he gets back. I know he's taking them to the airport and is with them until the flight attendants are there to look after them, but he obviously isn't flying out with them. That wouldn't help.

I wish you could text on a plane, but it messes up the signals or something so you can't. In fact there's not a lot you can do on planes. Their trip is long so they probably have those mini TVs in the back of the seats in front where you can watch a film, but other than that and listening to music there isn't much to do.

There was a quiet knock on my door. I don't want to see anyone. Can't they all just leave me alone? The door opened slowly and Candi started talking.

"Are you ok?"

"What do you want Candi?"

"I came to see if you were ok. It sounded like you needed cheering up"

"You can't blame me!"

"I'm not"

"Look, Candi I know you're only trying to help, but I really don't feel like doing anything right now ok?"

"Mai Lee brought the ingredients"


"Making a cake. You and me. Today"


"Because let's face it, we both need cheering up. And your promised"

"Yes I promised. But I didn't promise it would be today"

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