Snow Fell [Part 3]

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Snow Fell| Part 3

Jeremy shuffled into Michael's bedroom while Mrs.Mell gave Michael a scolding on wearing short sleeves in winter. He sat down on the edge of his bed, looking around the room, and then looking down at the red hoodie he still wore upon him. He hesitantly grabbed at the neck of the hoodie and pressed it to his face. He breathed in the feint scent of Michael and closed his eyes, comforted, as he hugged the shirt to his face. He must much warmer now inside the house, despite the fact that he still had a soaking shirt under the hoodie. He was so content that he didn't notice the sound of the door open.

Michael closed the door behind him, standing a few feet away from Jeremy, "Dude...what are you doing?" He blinked at Jeremy.

Jeremy's eyes shot open and he let go of the hoodie, "J-just-"

Michael chuckled, "Sorry to break it up but could you stop making out with my hoodie and give it back? My Ma wants to dry our stuff off- er...your stuff, I'm just're wet- and on my bed...getting the sheets damp."

Jeremy leapt up immediately, "S-Sorry!" He brushed off the spot where he'd been sitting, as if it would magically dry it, "'ll be dry by the time you go to sleep..."

"You'd better hope so."

Jeremy put his arms up and started taking off the hoodie. The dampness of his shirt didn't quite help it come off, and as he continued to struggle, he realized that it was stuck below his arms, leaving them stuck in an upward position. Jeremy was still for a moment.

"Well? Are ya' gonna' pretend to be a dinosaur all day or give me my hoodie?" Michael chuckled.

"..." Jeremy was silent before letting out a sigh of defeat, "...I'm stuck..."

Michael stopped chuckling for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Jeremy looked away, his face turning the color of a strawberry.

Michael circled him, "Aw..." He cooed.

"Just sh-shut up and help me!" Jeremy stammered.

Michael grabbed the sleeves of the shirt and started pulling, at first it didn't budge, so he tugged at it harder, "Al...most..." then finally it went flying off along with Jeremy's, sensible, long-sleeve shirt that's wetness had clung to the hoodie, sending both boys toppling in opposite directions. Michael landed flat on the floor, while Jeremy landed flat on Michael's bed. Both boys let out a moan of pain and dizziness.

"We did it..." Michael huffed, grabbing around for his glasses that had fallen off.

Jeremy let out a squeak, "D-Don't put your glasses back on!" He shouted quickly, wrapping his arms around himself.

Michael felt his hand move over his glasses and gripped them, "Why not?" He said, putting them on.

Another squeak from Jeremy.

Michael's eyes focused to see Jeremy with the comforter wrapped around him. Michael was confused at first, but then followed Jeremy's gaze which landed on Michael's hand; where he held both the clumped up hoodie, and Jeremy's wet shirt, "..." He kept his eyes there for a bit, "...Bro...we've seen each other shirtless before when we go swimming..."

"Th-that's different!"


"I always have my rash-guard on!"

"Yeah but I see you when you put it's not that weird dude..." But he still couldn't bring himself to look up at Jeremy.

"J-just...which drawer are your shirts?" Jeremy got up, ambling towards the dresser.

"You're making this so much more awkward than it needs to be..." Michael muttered, "Second drawer down." Michael heard a drawer open and Jeremy chuckling, "What? What is it?" He was worried Jeremy had pulled open the wrong drawer.

Jeremy pulled a shirt out and put it on, "You can look now."

Michael looked up at Jeremy, "Wha-" His expression dropped when he saw what he was wearing.

"You still have the 'Cool dawg' shirt I gave you in freshman year?" Jeremy grinned widely. The shirt had a picture of a golden retriever with sunglasses and a backwards red-cap on. It only went down to the bottom of Jeremy's chest but he continued to wear it, "Dude this thing is like...three years old were even tinier back then" He chuckled.

"T-take it off, you're gonna' stretch it!" Michael stammered, leaping up.

"It means that much to you?" Jeremy's smile widened as Michael's face got redder.

"Y-yeah- wh-whatever!" Michael sat down on the edge of the bed.


Michael pulled his hoodie back over his head, relishing it's warmth, "You gave it to me...isn't that enough?"

"I gave plenty of things to you that are now in the trash." Jeremy sat down beside him, "What's so special about this particular item?"

Michael twiddled his thumbs in his hoodie's stomach pocket, "...Do you remember when you gave it to me...?" Michael looked forward, trying to pretend that Jeremy wasn't pressed up against his side.

"Nope." Jeremy shrugged, placing his cheek against Michael's head.

"You remember my old hoodie though right?"

"Oh yeah! The blue one?"

Michael nodded, "It had older patches on it though...older than the ones on this hoodie."

"Mhm, it had cringey stuff like a dollar sign...a world peace sign..."

"Hey! There isn't anything cringey about wanting some peace." Michael grinned, "Anyway, remember how I lost it?"

Jeremy thought for a moment, then his face brightened with remembrance, "Yeah! Those D-bags found it on the field and started drawing...dicks on it..." He frowned, "...And then you threw it away..."

Michael nodded again, "But then you went and told those 'D-bags' to fuck was the first time you'd said the F word to anybody but me- of course, you only said it if you jammed your toe or lost at a video game we were playing."

Jeremy gave a sheepish smile, liking the glory of the story, "Well...I have to have some innocence, don't I?"

Michael laughed, "It's all gone now! That's for sure!"

Jeremy sat up and pushed himself against Michael again, "Shut up ya' dork."

"Well gave me that shirt too, afterwards. I remember you said you tried to persuade your Dad to buy me a new hoodie but it was too expensive." "That didn't matter though...what mattered was that you cared." Michael smiled happily.

By now Jeremy's face was as blushy as ever as he stared at Michael, "...I'd totally forgotten about remember though...why?"

"I guess...that's when...I realized I liked you..." Michael felt strange being so open, almost like the whole of him was his heart, able to feel the blood pumping throughout him. He was sure that if he looked at Jeremy that he'd just full on collapse, overwhelmed. So instead, he closed his eyes; as silence rang throughout the room he started to regret everything he said, wondering if Jeremy thought he was some creep now...despite him being a literal creeper during Halloween a few months back. He clenched his fists together as he felt his palms get damp. He suddenly felt something on his cheek and glanced sideways to see Jeremy has his nose pressed against his face. Michael slowly turned his head, causing their noses to bump in an awkward manor. They chuckled, pulling their heads apart. Though, a second later Michael had his head on Jeremy's shoulder, and Jeremy had his head on top of Michaels. It was quiet once more. But this time, quiet was fine.

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