First Month

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It's was about two weeks since Bunny and Jack found out she was pregnant and it's was a long two weeks. Jack's morning sickness got stronger after a couple days prior to pregnancy reveal and she had nausea throughout the entire day after eating anything. The headaches went away after North gave her some melatonin to help with sleepless night.

At this point of time, she's sleeping in the bed with the most peaceful look on her face and the door opens revealing her husband. He'd set out earlier that morning for Easter preparations. He chuckled looking at his sleeping pregnant mate, his hands containing a tray of Jack's breakfast. He set the tray down in their nightstand and started gently shaking the winter spirit's shoulder.

"Jack. Snowflake, wake up." Bunny whispered as the sleeping Jack started stirring in her sleep. "Wake up, sweetheart." He said as Jack turned over on her back and fluttered her eyes open. "Mornin' sweetheart." Bunny said lovely.

"Good morning Honey Bunny." Jack said giggling as Bunny nuzzled her nose with his own. The smell of food made Jack's and her unborn child's stomach growl. "What is that smell?" Jack asked curiously and Bunny smiled brightly.

"Just some breakfast for ya and the ankle biter." Bunny said Jack smiled. "A fresh fruit salad with strawberries , blueberries, mangos, blackberries and green grapes. Scrambled eggs with salt and pepper and three strips of bacon." Bunny finished and the smile on Jack's face disappeared on her face as he said those last words, making Bunny confused. "Frostbite, something wrong?" Bunny asked concerned.

"Bacon, Aster." Jack said plainly as a wave of nausea and a familiar churning in her stomach hit her mouth hard, making her gag. Bunny barely had time to register before Jack dashed into their bathroom. His eyes widened as he heard the sound of retching confirm his constipations. He forgot that the sight of pork made Jack sick. He quickly ran to the bathroom and rubbed the back of his mate.

"'M so sorry Jackie, I forgot about the pork." Bunny admitted as his wife continued to empty her stomach of last night dinner. "You alright?" Bunny asked worried and Jack picked up her head with a drop of vomit on the corner of her mouth as she dry heaved.

"I'm fine. Sick to my stomach, but fine." Jack said irritatedly as she walked to sink to brush her teeth, to get rid of the vomit taste.

"I'll make it up to ya." Bunny said and kissed Jack's cheeks. Jack rinsed her mouth and turned around, hugging her husband as he hugged back.

"You can start with getting those strips of bacon out of our room and tonight, full body massage before bed?" Jack negotiated and Bunny chuckled.

"Alright mate, ya're wish is my demand." Bunny agreed and quickly ran back into their room, to dispose of the bacon.


"BUNNY! DO THESE EGGS HAVE BACON BITS?!" Jack yelled from the bedroom and Bunny facepalmed in kitchen. Jack gagged and ran back into the bathroom.

"Damnit!" Bunny cursed at himself as he heard Jack throw up again.

New story coming soon, stay tuned!

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