Chapter 36

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(If you really like this book please read the important authors note at the bottom. Thank you!!)

Alyssa's POV

I groan a little as I turn over nuzzling into someone's chest. "Alyssa wake up." A deep yet soft says in my ear and I sit up rubbing my eyes.

"No Louis I wanna sleep." I mumble stretching with my eyes closed.

"It's Cole Alyssa." He chuckles and I blush smiling.

"You are still here...." I say quietly and turn to look at him as I rub my arm

"Yeah for now... I have to go home to my wife and child." He says and rubs my back already knowing I will be upset.

I nod slightly at what he says and sigh. "Of course I can't take you away from that... Will you come back?" I ask looking down then look up in his eyes and close my eyes tightly trying to hold in my tears.

I feel him pull me down into his lap hugging me. "I always gonna come back from now on I promise. I am not leaving again." I hug him tightly.

I let him go and he gets up. Cole kisses my forehead and smiles then leaves. I smile lightly as I watch him go then bring my knees to my chest.

I hear my door creak open and look up with tears in my eyes to see the five of them in the doorway.

They walk over and climb on my bed and circle me in a big hug. "Thank you guys so much... especially you Niall." I hug them back tightly.

"We would do anything for you princess." They tell me along with other things related to it and I smile.

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask as they sprawl out on my bed. I lay my head on Louis's chest and put my feet on Harry's lap while Liam plays with my hair.

"Well we are going out and you have practice today then you are going out with your friends while we go to the studio and other places." Louis says smiling.

"What time is that supposed to be?" I ask looking up at him then look at Niall and Zayn as they are on their phones.

"We need to leave in an hour and you leave at four." Zayn says and I smile lightly. "And the twins will be staying over because we do not know how long we will be and we do not trust babysitters." Harry says.

I laugh at that but nod. "You guys should go get ready." I say and sit up. They look at each other than at me and nod before they get up and leave. Louis doesn't move though.

He opens his arms and I get in them. He kisses my head. "So much as happened in so little time." He says quietly.

I smile lightly.

"I am only twelve." I look up at him.

"And before I know it you will be eighteen or even twenty-one and going to college and starting your own family and-." He says but I cut him off.

"That's a long time from now Louis. Let's focus on now and not worry about later." I sit up and look at him.

"I know.... But I'm just worried. What if while I am being this famous person you grow up and I can't even see it. I just want you to be my little baby girl forever." He sighs and sits up as well.

I hug him holding him tight. "I'll always be your little girl dad and you will see it cause you are the reason I am growing up." I say and put my face in his neck. "Thank you. So much."

He hugs me back tightly. "Good cause I am never letting go." He kisses my cheek then stands up and sets me on the bed "I need to go get ready but this discussion is not over yet." he says and I smile nodding.

He leaves the room and I flop on my bed looking at my ceiling and I sigh in content then the doorbell rings.

"Alyssa get the door please!" Niall yells and I get up going down the stairs. I open the door and see the girls that I met earlier.

"Hey Alyssa. We figure the boys are still getting ready. Mind if we come in?" I believe Niall's sister says and I open the door wider nodding.

They walk in and sit on the couch. "Do you remember which ones we are?" The girl with black and red hair says and I shake my head no which causes them to laugh.

"I am Meghan, this is Tristia, Abigail, Amber, and Perrie." Meghan says as she points to them and I nod. They talk amongst themselves and I watch awkwardly.

I know which one Perrie is cause I walked in on her and Zayn making out which is still awkward for me but not to her.

I am pretty sure that Meghan likes Louis. Abigail and Amber like Harry and Tristia likes Niall or Liam. I think mostly Niall though but that is just my opinion.

After a few minutes footsteps come from the stairs and they boys walk down.

Louis walks straight over to Meghan. Harry walks over to Amber. Niall walks over to Tristia. Zayn walks over to Perrie. And Liam comes and stands next to me and kisses my head. I laugh a little then Abigail comes over and latches onto his arm making me let go.

They door opens and I feel someone resting on my shoulder. I look over and see Jackson. He smiles and looks at the people in front of me. "Shouldn't you guys be going?" I hear Blake's voice chime from behind me.

"Yeah come on." Harry says and they all walk out.

"No going anywhere until four o'clock okay?" Louis says and they salute him making me laugh and Louis roll his eyes. He closes the door and locks it.

I look over to Blake and he smirks. I worry instantly. "Why are you looking like that?" I say nervously.

I can tell this is going to be an adventure I do not want to go on.


(Hey guys! Arielle here. I just want to give a few updates on this book and writing stuff. Okay so this book has come a long way and I want to thank you guys for supporting it. But with every start there has to be an end and I hate to say that but this book is coming to an end. It will probably end at 50 chapters or somewhere around there. I have been thinking about things to do once it is completed whether it is to make a second book or an epilogue of some sort. You guys let me know how you feel about this so I can think about what to do. Now if a sequel does come from this then it would not be for a while [not too long but not right when the book is finished]. Now that the book part is out of the way. On to why it is taking me a while to update. School has just closed and when school is over for the current year means that final exams take place before and it was cramming time. Now that I have been out of school for about a week maybe two I have been working on a few things with my other books on here and others that are not published at all. I plan to update a lot more in the summer and write more chapters so I will have some to start off with when august rolls around. I am going to try to post twice a month and we will see how that will go. Just be patient and I will try to get on top of my writing schedule. Now I just want to thank you guys. I know I do this every part probably but eh you deserve to hear it. Thank You! Well that's it have a glorious day or night wherever you are in the world!) 

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