Toney Is A Turtle

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June 2, 2017
Dear Diary,

Apparently I share a birthday with a man named "Andy Hurley". I don't know who that is though. Probably some fool. He stole my date of birth.

The more important news is...


YES! I was shocked too! I didn't know turtles could be drummers! This is crazy! Even his Twitter name says turtle in it and since everything on Twitter is serious, I believe it's true!

YES! I was shocked too! I didn't know turtles could be drummers! This is crazy! Even his Twitter name says turtle in it and since everything on Twitter is serious, I believe it's true!

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^^Star Wars? How nerdy!

I guess he can morph from turtle to human whenever he wants. There are many pictures of him in his human form on the Internet but only a few rare ones of his natural, turtle state online. I am lucky enough to have found some.

^^Here's one of him visiting his Turtle family and friends somewhere off the Coast of Sexico, his home country

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^^Here's one of him visiting his Turtle family and friends somewhere off the Coast of Sexico, his home country.

^^Here's one of him visiting his Turtle family and friends somewhere off the Coast of Sexico, his home country

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^^This must be some sort of halfway form between man and reptile. And why are his ears so long?

^^Toney is showing a CAT scan of his body

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^^Toney is showing a CAT scan of his body. I guess he needed his head put through a CAT scan! (Why does that sound familiar?)

Overall, I guess I approve of Toney being a turtle. I mean, it's kinda dumb but he's not hot anyway so who cares.


Before I get to the actual important part let me just say, can this please happen?

Before I get to the actual important part let me just say, can this please happen?

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This was a comment in a previous chapter. Shoutout to The_Out_Sider1 HarryPotterKilljoy and IDONTWANTAUSERNAMEE :D

Seriously though, if he saw this I would just float up to heaven (or hell, who knows...). I would cry of happiness.

Okay sorry, moving on now

This doesn't apply to most of you but I'm letting everyone know, I will not tolerate copies of this book. I work very hard to come up with new ideas that people will enjoy and write them out and try to be somewhat funny. It upsets me when I see people just taking and using my ideas. Part of the definition of plagiarism is stealing ideas. If you are one of these people, believe me, I don't want to have to message you but I might have to. Sorry for that rant there, it just got a little out of hand a few weeks ago.

Thanks for reading :)

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