it was 7pm in the urie-ross household, and man, was brendon fucking stressed.
his daughter, hayley, was running around him and tugging on his shirt constantly..
while he was trying to change the diaper of a baby.
yes, two children.
ryan's idea. not his.
spencer was wriggling around on the changing table, not having the fact that his diaper was being ripped off of him, while brendon was yelling at hayley, all while ryan was cooking pasta and meatballs downstairs.
"brendon? are you okay up there?" ryan called up the stairs.
"yeah babe. i'm perfectly fine.." brendon laughed sourly. he could handle one kid, but two? and ryan wanted more? hell no.
if ryan wants another than he can take care of it himself.
brendon cooed at spencer whilst attempting to pry hayley off of his leg, but she would not budge.
aaaaaand spencer is crying.
great!! brendon thought. exactly what i needed right now!
after brendon picking hayley up and running her downstairs to annoy ryan, he finally went back to changing spencer's diaper.
and let's just say, brendon was not met with a pleasant surprise..
spencer peed.
all over the front of brendon's, new, white dress shirt.
and that is when ryan knew that he was fucked.