Chapter 6

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Kristine's POV

OMG! I've always loved the prom! Such great memories besides...

I've never actually had a date before. I mean, going with Taylor and Hailey was always fun. We always had a sleepover afterwards and talked about who Taylor danced with. Then, when Taylor fell asleep looking at pictures of Magcon boys, Hailey and I would watch Tobuscus and Pewds and all those people. But, I really wanted to have a date this time.

Nobody had been interested in me since, well, ever! But. Ugh. Why was this so complicated? I decided that the first one to ask me would take me. It was between Finn or Dan. I hoped it would be Dan, then Finn, then, ugh. I was just so confused!

We didn't do much that period, so when the bell rang I headed straight for Literacy and prayed for the day to be over quicker.









Taylor's POV


The prom!!!!!!!

I hoped Harry asked me!

But what about Taylor? Why was life so confusing? The bell rang, so I quickly ran to math, barely even noticing Kristine sit down in the classroom I just exited. She seemed deeply in thought, so I let her be. I had thinking of my own to do.

<<<<<8:00 pm that night.>>>>>

"Okay. What's the center of the atom made up of?"

"Um...protons and neutrons?" Taylor answered, which came out more like a question.

"Yep! There you go! Okay, well, let's leave on a good note, because I have to go home. You know, school and stuff. And curfews. Lots of curfews!" I said giggling awkwardly. Jeez! I'm so stupid! Curfews? Seriously? I had to get out of here.

"Oh! Well, um, thanks!" Taylor said, pulling me into a hug. "And, um, Taylor?"

"Yeah?" I said, backing away from the hug.

"Um...nothing. Nevermind." He said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Um, okay! I'll be going! Bye!" I said waving and walking out the front door to his apartment. Huh. What was THAT all about? Was he gonna... No. Surely not. But, whatever. I got into my car and started driving home. I should probably text Kristine and apologize for ignoring her all day.








Kristine's POV

My iPhone buzzed.

TAYTAY: hey sorry 4 leavin u out 2day. Had to talk to some other peeps.

KRIS: it's fine. I had people of my own to meet up with-lol.

TAYTAY: what kind of other people?

KRIS: ...youtubers

TAYTAY: well don't worry. It's not much of a surprise since I got to hang out with 1D and Magcon boys.

KRIS: So, I'm guessing we talked with them at lunch about them same thing?

TAYTAY: yep.

This is why I loved her. We had such a strong connection.

KRIS: So... Prom.


KRIS: Woah there ms-caps-lock-on I was just gonna ask what kind of dress you were gonna wear.

TAYTAY: Lol!! Probs a short one. Maybe red, maybe purple, idk. We should go shopping this Friday!

KRIS: Totally! After school, rite?

TAYTAY: yep! Gtg! Ttyl!

KRIS: okie! Bye!

Before I turned off my phone, I had a text message to send.

KRIS: Haileybuscus

HAILEY: Shut up!!

KRIS: Lol!

I laughed as I slipped into my Mickey Mouse pajama pants and climbed up the ladder onto my loft. I was getting to tall for this. I slipped under the covers as I got another text.

HAILEY: Kristineisnotonfire

Huh. I like that. I thought about us dancing as I gently fell asleep...


Hello my little lovelies!

QOTU: (Question of the Update) Who is your favorite character so far?

I've been updating a lot because Leanna absolutely is LOOOVIIING the new updates and demands them hourly. So, yeah.

Hope you enjoy it!!


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