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[Day 167]

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[Day 167]

Hoseok walks through the office halls with his hands in his pockets and whistling to a random tune. Namjoon stops him in the middle of his whistling, "Hoseok-hyung, don't you have like 20 cards due by the end of the week?"

Hoseok shrugs and smiles, "Nah, finished them all last night."

Jackson, suddenly, pops out of nowhere. "Great!" Hoseok yelps when he hears the shorter male and then scowls at him. "That means you can help me with mine. What is another way I can say congrats?" Jackson holds up a note pad and a pencil, and due to his shortness he looks up at Hoseok like a small child.

Hoseok smiles and throws an arm over his younger friend, "How about, Every day you make me proud, but today you get a card."

Namjoon nods impressed, Jackson jumps up and down, squealing and writing it down quickly while walking away and mumbling to himself. Hoseok nods once again before walking away and whistling.


Hoseok hums along to a Christmas song playing (even though Christmas is like six months away, but better early than late. -that's how it goes, right?) through one of the meeting rooms.

He sticks his head inside the crowded room and waves a hello when everyone greets him. They go back to discussing whatever it was they had been deciding about for the upcoming Christmas season.

"But, that's been done already. It would look lame to repeat it again." One says.

Another one nods, "We did that last year."

They go like that for a few minutes, arguing about it and coming up with something original until Hoseok speaks up, "How about ... Merry?"

Everyone in the room applauds and whistles at him, he's a smart man.

(That's not original Hoseok.)


Hoseok passes by the Wedding & Love office room, everyone who works in that part of the building seems to be middle aged women (no stereotype meant) who gush at practically anything that shows a hint of love. It's why Hoseok loves that part of the building (for now.)

"How's it going ladies?" Hoseok asks cheerfully as he sits down on the chair meant for the head of the office, but she lets it pass since Hoseok is a handsome man who she thinks is the brightest of men in the world.

"We can't seem to come up with anything for the romance cards." A lady with short and black hair sighs. Hoseok sympathizes with them and shakes his head in a show of pity.

The lady next to him shows him a card with a pink background and two hands holding on to each other with a heart around it. "We've been stuck on it for an hour."

Hoseok takes it into his hands and smiles softly, "Mhm, I think ..."

The door opens to Yoongi entering and leaving a pile of files to the lady that's in charge of the romance cards; Hoseok sends him a grin and his heart flies when Yoongi blows him a kiss, running away quickly as he is embarrassed and flustered towards his own actions.

Hoseok follows him with his eyes, "I love Us." A beat of silence and then, "That's beautiful." And before Yoongi closes the door Hoseok blows him a kiss, watching with heart eyes as Yoongi giggles and shuts the door.

The women in the room are close to fainting.

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