About Time!

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The past thirteen-ish weeks have flown by. Jimin's been left at home while the others went on tour. But at least he has Mina there with him. After the first week of missing Yoongi, Jimin started bringing Mina into their bed. She would cuddle up with him and he'd wake in the morning to her rubbing his tummy and talking to her baby brother.

Jimin was about thirty seven weeks pregnant when Yoongi returned. Everyone else was still on tour, but he came back early because he was worried about missing the birth of his son. But it turned out Jihyun was taking his sweet time, content to stay in his little home. They watched as Jimin's due date went by without a baby in their arms yet.

It turns out that Yoongi could've finished the rest of the tour.

Jimin is now overdue at forty-one weeks and two days pregnant. He was scheduled to be induced in two days but apparently the baby doesn't abide by anyone's plans.

That night Jimin woke up to a strong pain rippling down his back. "Are you actually ready to come out now or are you just playing again?" He spoke softly to his stomach, rubbing it soothingly. He tried to sleep in between the length of the pains regardless, but the naps were getting shorter. "Okay, these are the real deal. Yoongi!" Jimin smacked the raven's butt until he woke up.

"Is he finally ready?" His voice was deep and rough from sleep as he rubbed his eyes. If Jimin wasn't in labor, he would've hopped on Yoongi's cock so quick-

"Definitely feels like it. I'll call Jin hyung, will you get Mina's things together?" Yoongi made a hum of confirmation and got out of bed, slipping on a black shirt and grey sweatpants. He helped get Jimin off the bed, it was clear to everyone that his belly was much bigger for this baby compared to Mina. Jimin slowly got ready and grabbed his pre-packed hospital bag for him and the new baby and headed out into the living room. He sat down on the couch and called Jin.

"Hello?" Seokjin yawned on the other line.

"I'm going into labor. Can you still take Mina?" Seokjin offered to watch the young girl when it came time for Jimin to deliver.

"Of course. I'll come over and pick her up. Be there in five minutes. Congratulations!"

"Thank you." Jimin ended the call and relaxed into the couch. Yoongi carried the sleeping four-year-old into the kitchen. The girl held tightly onto her father and her favorite Kumamon plushy her father gave her that he received as a gift from a fan.

"Daddy..." She whined when Yoongi's movements woke her up. "What...doing...?"

"You're going to Uncle Jin's for a few days." Yoongi said grabbing her vitamins from the cupboard.

"Why...?" Her eyes were squinted from the bright lights on in the kitchen and trying to adjust. Right when she first wakes up she looks identical to Yoongi when he first wakes up. Their expressions are carbon copies of each other. It was pretty humorous to see if they took a nap together and someone woke them up. He gently set her on the counter.

"Well, the next time you see mommy; your little brother will be here!" He tried to excite her. She rubbed her eyes and pushed her fringe back.

"Why can't he be here now? Why you and mommy have to leave?" She pouted, fussy from sleep.

"We have to have doctors take him out of mommy's belly and we can't do that here." Her questions were hard for Yoongi to explain answers to. Like when she asked how a baby got in Jimin's belly and he had to get creative because saying "I fucked him senselessly until he got pregnant" wasn't an appropriate response to an almost five-year-old.

"Will you forget about me while you're gone?" She pouted.

"Mina..." Jimin said gently as he hobbled into the kitchen. Yoongi looked at him with tired bewilderment, wondering how the heavily pregnant male managed to get up from the couch without help. "We could never forget you." He leaned and hugged her without putting any pressure on his stomach. He kissed the top of her head. "We love you and Jihyun equally. No matter how old either of you are, you will always be daddy and I's babies." He smiled at her lovingly, but heard the doorbell ring. "Sounds like Uncle Jin's here. Are you ready?" The girl nodded. She gave Jimin a hug and a kiss on the lips before Yoongi took her off the counter.

"I can't wait to meet you, Jihyun. Be good for mommy, okay?" She spoke to Jimin's stomach, touching it with both hands before giving it a kiss. The baby moved to her voice, and she felt the response.

"Mina, are you ready to go?" Jin was let in by Yoongi and followed him to the kitchen.

"Almost. I love you, baby brother." She kissed Jimin's stomach once more before jumping into Yoongi's arms to say goodbye.

"How are you feeling so far?" Seokjin asked, his hands roaming around the younger's belly.

"Really uncomfortable, but not so bad yet. Since he's a bit overdue though, the doctors are hoping it will go more smoothly this time." Tiny feet from inside kicked lazily at the top of his belly and into his ribs with what little room he had provided from moving down. Jin felt the thumps against his hands.

"He's not down so far yet. Looks like he's going to continue taking his time."

"I told Mina to rush too early, so I'm going to keep my mouth shut this time." Jimin laughed despite the on-coming contraction. He put one hand on the counter to support himself and held his lower belly with the other and accidently let out a tiny groan. Seokjin gave a sympathetic smile in understanding.

"Let's go, Mina, you need to get back to sleep, Nayie and Sujin have a spot in their room for you to sleep between them." The oldest held out his hand for her to take. Yoongi managed to easily peel his daughter off of him and get her to go with Jin. The two said goodbye and left.

"Are you ready to have a baby?" Yoongi teased lightheartedly, rubbing the brunet's back, soothing the muscles.

"I was ready a couple weeks ago." After a quick kiss they made it downstairs and into the car without much trouble. Trying to pull Jimin out of that car at the hospital was quite a venture though. But it was nice not to have to rush. After this baby, Yoongi was going to get a procedure to prevent them from having any more children. It can be undone if they really change their minds, but with Yoongi's low count, there isn't much of a point of ever undoing. Just a precaution.

This will be updated later today if I receive plenty of comments, so be sure to do so!

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