Chapter 10

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Also, I forgot to say this but this is all happening from a year ago (so in 2013) I forgot to say that... If you get confused just ask!

Longest chapter... WHOOP WHOOP

I take Brianna to my room and lay her on the bed. She looks so scared, and weak but obviously that's not true. She's beautiful and scary, weak but strong, Brianna may be possessed which is scary but okay. I'll help her, I don't know how but I will help her from the demon which possesses her mind.

I look out the window and see Zayn and Alyssa walking towards the woods. I can tell Alyssa's crying. I mean, who wouldn't? Her best friend is dead and the other one is possessed. I'm happy Zayn's moved on form Perrie, even if its been a day or whatever.

Damn he moved on fast. I look at the scratches on my wall. Just this morning we found them. It feels like ages ago. Maybe that's what it feels like for the fans. Ages since their idols died. I feel sad as I reach for the fan letters. I go lock my door so Liam doesn't walk in on me reading these and sit on the floor.


Hi! I love you soooo much!

I know you may never get this but I just want you

to know how you've helped me through so much,

like depression and the urge to end it all.

When I first heard What Makes You Beautiful I fell

in love with the crooked toothed blond boy.

All my friends make fun of me for not

liking you guys from the X-factor days and it

makes me really sad because sometimes I feel like

you don't like me for not being here the whole time.

But, you don't hate me do you? Everyone says you do and

they call me a "carrot." or fake fan. But I'm not... Right?

All my friends hate you being in the band. I don't get why

though. Your the most beautiful guy in the band. I

couldn't see One Direction without you. If you ever left

the band, I wouldn't see the point of living anymore.

Niall, your my light in a world of darkness. And I would like

to thank you for that.

I love you, forever and always.


I feel tears falling down my cheeks. Is she dead? In this letter she said she wouldn't see the point in life anymore, and now all five of us are dead. Did Amanda end her life? I cover my mouth from crying out. How could we have been so stupid? Why did we do this to our fans... Our family's?

Tears are falling faster now, I close my eyes and stand up. I feel sick, I feel scared, weak even. Then, I can see Amanda sitting in her room, her dark copper hair in loose curls around her tear stained face. The cuts on her arms, angry red lines, clearly visual. I can see things, how the lamp lighting up her room is slowly dying, and how its late.

I can see the posters on her walls, most of them me. Then, the picture changes and I see Alyssa and Zayn in the woods. They are looking around, fear in their eyes. "W-who's there?" Zayn asks.  I can feel their fright, almost smell it. "Oh, its just you." Alyssa says looking down.

Who? Who are they seeing? I cant see who it is. "What do you want?" Zayn asks. I guess the person does something, because they both take a step back. "P-put that down... Bud, you aren't stable." Zayn says nervously. Put what down? Who the fuck are they talking to?

I don't feel my hand over my mouth anymore. My eyes are still closed. Zayn puts an arm around Alyssa. "Don't fucking touch her." He growls. Then, from where I can see, as if I threw it myself a knife is thrown at Zayn's chest. I open my eyes and find myself in my room. Sleep... I just need to sleep. I'm going crazy. I lay down next to Brianna, get out Amanda's fan letter and re-read it until I fall asleep.

When I wake up my head is hurting and its getting dark outside. Brianna is looking out my window. "I want tea. Do you want tea? Lets' go." She says talking my hand. I don't have time to grab a coat I don't even have money. We pass Liam in the hall and he quickly looks away.

We walk into the main part of Gone and enter a small coffee shop. There aren't many people here, just a few teenage girls. We head up to the counter. "Hello, my name's Amanda. How may I help you." I freeze at the mention on her name. I look up and gasp.

Dark copper hair, falling into light curls around her face. My eyes travel to Amanda's wrists and see scars, but they are faded. "We'll have two teas." Brianna says. "Sure thing." Amanda replies with a smile. I look at her, no words forming. This is the girl I saw in my weird vision. Am I having an early midlife crisis? This isn't funny.

"Niall, come sit." Brianna smiles, I'm surprised she's smiling. Her best friend was just killed by someone unknown. I wouldn't be smiling.  I sit across from Brianna and look into her eyes. "Why are you all slimily?" I ask. "Because, Hailey is in a better place and crying will make her cry. She hates crying." Brianna says through her smile.

Then, Liam comes crashing into the shop. "Niall! Oh thank god I found you!" He shouts. "Liam? What's wrong?" I ask. "Z-Zayn and Alyssa are gone... Its been a long time we're getting worried." Liam says gasping for breath. I stand up, bumping into Amanda who's just bringing my tea. "The woods." I whisper. "Fuck the woods!" I shout running out of the coffee shop.

I run towards the woods, my heart pounding in my chest. In my vision Zayn was stabbed. If I saw Amanda then there's a chance this is happening right now, if not, its already been done. The wind is pushing against me, slowing me down. Up ahead I see a fire. "Z-Zayn!" I yell. When I reach the fire my heart drops.

Up in the trees, hanging from the branches are Zayn and Alyssa hand in hand. Blood on Zayn's shirt from the knife I saw, both their eyes are closed. I feel a cry escape my lips. Three people in one day. I sink to the ground. "Zayn..." I cry. I look down, as some tears fall from my eyes and see a note.

Zayn and Perrie had broken up months ago.

Management made them stay together.

Alyssa and Zayn had met in the past

and they clicked.

Two lovers, hanging from trees,

slowly swaying in the breeze.

-A friend.

The killer knew and I didn't?  I hear people crashing through the forest. "Fuck! NO!" Its Liam. "No! Zayn!" He yells. I don't have to look at him to know what he's doing. I know Liam all too well. He's clutching his head, tears falling down his cheeks. Then, he'll bend over and some tears will fall off his nose. Slowly, he'll sink to the ground too and cry there.

He did this when Danielle broke up with him. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and look up. "I'm sorry." Brianna whispers, a tear slipping from her eye. I look back at Zayn and Alyssa, and soon the fire starts to inch up the trees. I don't stop it. I cant stop it. I can only watch as my best friend is burned.

Gone {Niam, Larry, One Direction, Murder} EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now