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gerard_way: good morning, frank

frnk: woah hi you sound so formal

gerard_way: yea ig

gerard_way: idk

frnk: okay nvm you sound normal again

geeway: i give up on sounding formal

geeway: never again

frnk: why do you always have 'way' at the end of your name

geeway: bc it;s my last name

geeway: *it's and oops shouldn't have told you that

frnk: you already know mine

geeway: i do??

frnk: yea??

geeway: o i must have forgotten

frnk: iero??

geeway: o yeaaaaa

read 08:43

Frank sighed lowly and ran a hand through his hair and sat up. He swung his legs across his bed and stood up stretching his arms out. He grabbed the phone and typed a quick response to Gerard, before carrying it and awaiting for Gee's response.

frnk: im gonna have a shower

gee: cold one? ;)

frnk: your tone changes fast, name change again?? and maybe i will have one now

gee: mm sounds fun

frnk: youre funny

gee: youre cute

frnk: you dont even know me

gee: bet you are

frnk: youre just gay

gee: maybe

frnk: whatever

gee: teehee

frnk: i really need to shower

gee: have fun ig

gee: might not be online when you get back though

frnk: oh okay ill message you though

frnk: also have you given up on correcting my grammar lmao

gee: idk anymore

frnk: well cya, brb

gee: byye x

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