Surprise, Surprise (Loki)

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I actually wrote this during class one day lol. The beginning sentence (which I will italicize) was a story starter 😂

It was surprising to come home and find my house had burned down by fire, rebuilt, and decorated just in time for Christmas. I was confused at first, but I soon became happy to find everyone I loved was sitting in my living room, talking amongst themselves. My siblings, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and even grandparents were all inside my house, but one person stuck out from the rest: it was my boyfriend, Loki. He grinned at me with the brightest grin as he walked toward me before enveloping me in his arms as happy tears enveloped in my eyes.

"How...?" was all I could mutter, my voice low. Loki noticed the tears slowly finding their way onto my cheeks and gently wiped them away while shushing me from going on. "A magician never reveals his secrets, my love." He told me, making me laugh and hit his arm. "More like the god of mischief never reveals his tricks." I corrected him, making him grin.

"Auntie (Y/n)!" I heard a small voice yell just before something plowed into my legs. I looked down and saw my youngest niece, my brother's daughter named Lilac; she happened to be my favorite niece. "How...?" I asked once again, slowly lowering down onto my knees so I could be leveled with the small four-year old. My brother, his wife, and Lilac were supposed to be in Mexico for Christmas! "A magician never reveals his secrets." Loki reminded me, making me chuckle. "Shut it." I told him, Lilac looking at me with her bright smile as I smoothed her hair over. "I missed you, baby girl." I confessed to her. Her smile brightened. "I missed you too, auntie (Y/n)." She said before hugging the life out of me. For a four-year old, she was strong.

Tears found their way onto my cheeks once again, only for Lilac to pull back in the hug and begin wiping away my tears. "No, Auntie (Y/n), don't cry," She told me, making me chuckle. "I just missed you so much, baby girl." I repeated myself. She looked up at Loki and smiled. "If it wasn't for Uncle Loki, I'd still miss you too." I quickly looked at her as if she said something foreign, which in a way, she did. "Uncle?" I questioned her, making her excitedly nod her head. "Yes!" She exclaimed, leaving me bewildered. "And he also told me to give you this too." Pulling my arm from around her, she pushed a velvet box into my hand, making me even more confused until I opened it and saw what was inside of it: an engagement ring.

Getting on his knees beside me, Loki wrapped an arm around me and kissed my cheek, making me smile. "Will you?" He asks, his hair brushing my cheek. Looking over to meet Loki's eyes with my own, my smile turned into a grin as I thought of my answer. "With all my heart," I begin. "Yes."

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