What Will People Think?

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"What are we going to tell people?" Caitlin questions looking at the 7 on the clock knowing that Harrison and Jesse would wake soon and then the team would show up soon. "Well Iris.." I rub the back of my head trying to figure out how to tell her. "Oh right" she looks down defeated. "No,no!" I shout pulling her back into my arms. I've lost touch for to long it feels so wrong when she isn't in my arms. "Cait when I got back Iris knew. She knew that look in my eyes. She knew that I fell in love and she told me not to wait. To find you and tell you how I feel. That's what I was going to say. Iris already knows, she just doesn't know its you..." I say uncertaintly as I look at Caitlin's face. "Does she know?" I question rethinking my last statement my her reaction.

"Well I think she might have a hunch." Smiling she continues "I think she knew before you or I did that we both had feelings for each other." Caitlin states placing a quick kiss on my lips. "What were you stammering about earlier about Cisco figuring it out?" Sighing I think back to the conversation Cisco and I had a couple a days ago.

Walking down to Harrison's new lab I try to find the gadget Cisco asked me to get him. "Here I found it!" I say as I hear the impatient Cisco Ramon at the door.

"Thanks but this was just away to get you down here." He than crosses his arms giving me a knowing look. "Look Cisco..." I start to apologize. "Barry shut up and listen for a moment." He cuts me off with his hand up in the air. "You need to tell her." I start to say I don't know what he's talking about but he sends me a glare. "I vibed dude! I saw you and Caitlin. I saw my best friend happy, really happy, for the first time since Ronnie died and I'm here to tell you that you better keep that promise that you made her." For the first time since I met Cisco he is all business. "Barry their is a possibility that she can regain her memories from the other timeline but even if she doesn't you need to tell her. She deserves that. She deserves love. And I swear if you don't I will call Oliver Queen and have him shoot you again!" My smile falls slightly at the thought of Oliver shooting me again. Ouch!
"Thank you Cisco" I place my hand on his shoulder pulling him into a hug. "Wait, I just threatened you and your hugging me?" He questions confused.

"I do plan on telling Cait how I feel. You just made it easier because now I know at least one person will be okay with us. I have to go. I have some research about other worlds todo." I state walking towards the door. "Hey don't call Oliver. One arrow in me is enough for a lifetime." I smile.

"Well that's two" Caitlin states getting up. Reaching out for her my hands fall empty as she paces. "Joe will be happy, Harrison won't really care, and everyone else will be fine Cait." I state. "So we are telling everyone that we are dating, even though the part of me that everyone here knows hasn't ever gone on a date with this you?" She questions. I get up from my chair and walk towards her. "Hey, it's going to be alright." I stop her pacing by placing a hand on the side of her face. "This team, our family has seen crazier." I speak trying to calm her spinning brain. "Our family" she breathes looking at me with wonder in her eyes. "I like the sound of that." She whispers. "Caitlin Snow would you like to go out with me on our second first date?" I ask. "Yes!" She answers along with a not so quick kiss.

"Dang! About time." Cisco's voice comes from behind me. Turning my eyes land on Iris's shocked expression.

So I've been reading other SnowBarry stories and I realized that I was the only one spelling Caitlin's nickname "Cate" everyone else is spelling it "Cait"!  
(Who knew!)
So I went back and changed it.

Hey if any of y'all have suggestions or some of your own SnowBarry stories or just any story (I don't care the ship or genre) please post them on my conversation page! Or comment them here!!

If you put it on my conversation board say that you read this story (#EarthZero) because if I read it I will do a chapter of story recommendations and put your story on there.

(Not sure when I will post the chapter so be patient!)

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