Chapter 23

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Havannahs pov

I woke up on the tour bus. I will only have to assume someone carried me, or I woke up and don't remember.

Everyone is in the lounge of the bus, eating their lunches. I walked in and eveyryone looked up and waved, smiling with a mouthful of food. I smiled back and went to sit on the couch. Niall then came over and put his arm around my shoulder, I laid my head on his chest, we sat like that watching The Walking Dead, Everyone just intensly watches as Carl almost died, but lost his shoe. The Lou laughed cause he sat on the roof eating the pudding, then saying that would be Niall... Almost dying, then just sit on the roof and eat pudding like nothing happend.

Everyone laughed in agreement, even Niall, then he realized what he meant, then started to chase him around the bus, earning warning from the driver to stop.

Lou had Niall pinned on the ground, Harry counted to three then jumped on Lou. Making him collapse into Niall. Zayn and Liam joined in jumping on the Harry. Then I was last. We all sat like that for a couple minutes. Then my stomach growled and I got up.

Walking into the kitchen. I heard a noise, I turned and nothing was there. Going back to making some pizza rolls. The noise happened again. I grabbed a pot and turned. No one was there. Then all I heard was boo! and I screamed swinging the pot every direction. I looked down and saw Paul laying on the ground.

"Oh my god Paul. Are you okay?!" I asked panicing

"Haha. Fine, nothing can hurt me" he did the superman pose.

"You're a goof, want food?"

"Sure" he hopped in to the chair and I passed him a plate of pizza rolls. I joined him after putting a plate together for me.

"So hows life?" I ask him

"Haha, same old same old" He bit into a pizza roll

"Nce" I bit into a pizza roll and burnt my mouth, screamimg and throwing it across the room. Paul laughed, I held my lip, as my tounge throbbed with pain.

Paul just laughed, I yelled 'jesus pauly its not funny help me' but it came it as "Jeesuuss Pauli it nosh funneh, halp meh"

"What? I cant understand you" He laughed harder. I punched him and got up for something cold or something to help my mouth.

"What happened, I heard screaming" Lou and the boys came him

"I Burnt my tounge, and he is sitting here laughing his ass off" I glared in Pauls direction

"Im sorry" Paul raised his hands, still laughing "Its just your reactionand face" He laughed thinking about it "Where did the Pizza roll go anyways?"

I pointed at the other side of the room by Lous phone, it sat there on top, half bitten into, sauce oozing out.

"Ah, Hav!" Lou ran. I chuckled

"Are you okay" Niall and Harry came over

"Im fine, It was just really hot, not like I almost died or anything" I pushed them away from bear hugging me

"You sure" Niall asked

"Niall, im fine" I stared at him, he finally got it through his head and nodded.

Cramps came back and I slouched over, clutching my stomach. People were wondering what was going on. Harry came over with Two Aleves and a glass of water. Thanking him, I took the pills and went to the couch. Niall came over.

"Whats wrong?" He asked

"Nothing, I dont want to really say" I had a heating pad on my stomach.

"You- Oh, uh...Okay" He scratched the back of his neck, realizing what is wrong, yes now Niall knows that Aunt Flo is here. Great.

"Im going to sleep, Night" I kissed his cheek and left to the bunks

"Night" He laid on the couch and watched Tv

I siad my goodnights to everyone and then finally made it to the bunks. I sat on my phone, leaving it on the charger while I checked Twitter. Everyone demanded the boys do a twit cam since they havent done one in forever. I should tell them this later.

Soon eventually sleep took over me and I was out.

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