The girl who called Blade

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No prov
Buttercup freezes and she looks in horror at Blade as he smiles. "You remember me!" He laughs, "How are you Buttercup!"

Buttercup's prov

I look at Blade in horror as he holds me by my throat now. I try to claw out of his arms again but it's no use he just tightens his grip and I shut my eyes tightly as I scream in pain when his claws dig into my skin.

I was about to scream again but someone beats me to the punch, "No!"

I open my eyes and I see that guy from before being held back by four others, 'when did they get here?' But then I feel a knife cut into me and as my blood spills out of my wound and I scream again as I see the boy in green grimace then growls.

"Let her go you mother fucker!" The boy screams. That voice is the one I fought earlier this week... what was his name?

"Uh uh," Blade says waging his pointer figure on his other finger.

"Let. Me. Go. You. Asshole!" I gasp for air and then he looks at me and frowns and he squeezes harder.

"You have to learn to shut up sometimes Buttercup it is so unladylike to curse."

I give a dry laugh, "good thing I'm not a lady. Screw. You!" I say louder as I kick him in the stomach and he releases in pain.

"You bitch!" He hisses.

I laugh as I float unsteadily to the ground. "Now now you should control your temper... now where are my sisters!" I scream as I limp.

He laughs like an insane person... wait never mind he is one.

"You are going to pay!" But it wasn't me I looked behind me to see those boys again. "YOU HURT MY BUTTERFLY!" He screamed.

I look at him and see his anger and then I feel the wind howl. 'What the hell!'

"Oh my it's very impolite to say she's yours when she doesn't know you," Blade says as he grins.

And then my eyes widen, 'no! He wants to get that guy angry! That's how he got me!' I look at the guy and he looks like he is going to murder someone.

I can't stay silent, "HEY!" I yell to those boys and they look at me but I stare into the forest green eyes that I get lost in. "He wants to get you mad! That's how he got me and my sister's! Please just leave, this is a puff battle not whatever you guys are!" I say directly at the boy named butch who looks at me heartbroken, 'what is up with this guy?! Never mind Buttercup! Get your head in the game!'

The boys were about to say something but is cut off by Blade, "oh buttercup you had to ruin my fun! Oh well! I can take you on one on one if that's what you want... but is that really what you want?"

"No Butter-" Butch tries to stop me but I already made up my mind.

"Yes! I want my sisters back!" I yell ignoring the mysterious boys.

"Alright," he says snapping and the boys are trapped in a box that is unbreakable and I could care less right now.

"Buttercup! What are you doing! You can't be serious! You'll get killed!" Butch yells through the glass.

I turn to him, "if I die I know I'll be protecting the city I love and the people." I smile a little and then he looks at me terrified.

"Butterfly please be careful," he says and my heart jumps.

'What is this feeling? Why does it feel like I know him and he knows me? What is wrong with him? More importantly what's wrong with me...

"BC please don't get yourself killed!" A blonde haired blue eyes almost like bubbles but his are darker. How does he know my nickname?

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