Chapter 4

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Your POV:
I hear the door click open then closed. I sit up fast to see him walk into my room trying to put on the shirt I had gave him.
All I could stare at was his bare chest of abs, holy sh*t I thought.
Then he just stopped, his hands stuck in the air, and the shirt twisted around him.
Mark: I think I'm stuck
I burst out laughing, the fact that he was just standing there, he looks like a child. Oh my god this was hilarious. I couldn't even see his face!
I glanced back at his abs and stopped laughing, catching my breath I wipe the somewhat tears in my eyes.
Y/n): y- you might have to go without any shirt.
Mark: what? Without a shirt?! But isn't it freezing outside?
Y/n): hmm yeah your right, I think I got a big enough jacket for you.
I jump up and open my wardrobe again, seeing the perfect sized jacket.
It was a black one with dark blue zippers, outlines, padding and string. (I don't know what those shoelace things are called on a jacket).
I swing it over to him, still admiring his abs he tries to get the jacket, his hands shaped like a crab. I look up confused of what he was doing, I realised that he was still stuck.
I try to hold back another fit of laughter, he's arms swinging around like crabs. Man this is the best morning.
Marks POV:
I stand there waving my arms around trying to grab the jacket (Y/n) is holding for me. I try one last attempt before asking for help. I failed and sighed.
Mark: could you help me, please?
I heard a snicker come from (Y/n)
Y/n): s- sure, look up.
I looked up and feel (Y/n) grab either side of the shirt and pull. Finally she yanked it out and I was free again.
Y/n): better?
I smile and nod, she hands me the black and dark blue jacket. I slide it on, easy.
The blue padding inside was cozy and warm, but it bothered me of why she'd have this kind of jacket? It's a boys one isn't it? I take a deep breath and asked.
Mark: uumm (Y/n)? Why do you have a boys jacket in your wardrobe? It's a boys one right...?
She giggled a bit and grinned.
Y/n): it was my brothers...
all of a sudden I feel my heart drop, as if she's about to tell me this is a pass over from her dead brother. I start worrying but kept it quiet.
Mark: is... is he dea-
Y/n): No! I stole it from him, boys have much more comfy clothes then girls do, but I forgot to give it to him when he moved to England.
She let out a chuckle.
Y/n): c,mon we got to go to the shops.
I follow her out of her room into the outside, I stop and look around admiring the frost on the grass, the water drops on the trees... is this winter?
I jump, and see (Y/n) burst into laughter... again. But this one was short, she kind of looked like she was having a fit in the car.
I walk to the car and open the handle, I hop inside bending down slightly so I don't hit my head. I was ready.
Y/n): do you have your seat belt on?
She examines my body and looks at me with a eyebrow raised.
Mark: seat belt?
(Y/n) leans over my side and grabs a belt looking thing with a buckle, isn't this just a belt? I watch the then plug it into a red and black box beside me.
She slides back over her side and Turns on the engine, she grabs the back of my seat with her arm and looks back, making sure there are no cars.
The car jumps a bit then again but this time I felt it more.
Mark: what was that?
Y/n): it was the my drive way silly, it will always do that.
We were on the road now, the black solid with white(yellow) lines.
Y/n): ok here we go.
{time skip}
Your POV:
I pull into a larger drive though, zooming around other cars trying to find a spot to park mine, close enough to the shop.
Found one
I change my gears and carefully place the car into the two lines.
I hop out, so does Mark, I admire my good work by looking down at the lines to see my car perfectly placed.
I look up across the roof of the car to see two pair of eyes looking at me, I could tell he was smiling. He has the biggest cheekbones ever, I giggle and walk over to his side. Looking for cars I signal him to follow me, he obeys and does so.
We land on the pavement that was leading to the inside of the shop.
Y/n): ok I'm just going to grab a basket
Mark nods I bend down and grabs the last one.
We walk through the entrance.
{time skip}
I turn down the aisle that was full of biscuits, then I hear a familiar voice and giggles after it, they have the chills.
I shoot up to see the popular high school group, and there scummy leader... 'Tina'
Tina: oh well well, guys watch out we have found the only dirty b*tch in the world, be carful she might infect you like she did with this stupid looki-
I gave her a stern look as she stares at Marks abs. I pull him away
Y/n): he's mine
She steps back, not believing what I said.
Tina: is he real?
Y/n): oh why don't you have a closer look you durry (smoke) wh*re!
She looks at me offended, her friends behind her giving me all a disgusted look. I look at them back, giving them all death stares. Tina finally moves forward, but not over to Mark. But to me, before I know it she slaps me.
The red mark left on my cheek, the tears swelling up in my eyes. But I stood there and took a deep breath, not realising that a tear was dripping from my chin.
Tina: aww is the lil b*tch crying? Aw that's so sad. It must show how weak she is.
She smirks, my eyes widened in anger, I clenched my hands, before I could chuck a punch to her disgusting, foul mouth. I was stopped by Mark.
God dammit Mark... I hope your loyal.
Mark: cryings not weak, it shows how strong a person is, it shows how much strength they have... if you think cryings weak, then YOU. ARE. WEAK.
He helps me up when he said those last words. I wipe the tears form my eyes, and smile into his gorgeous brown pair.
How was I so lucky?
Tina stood here, jaw dropped. Then she came back to reality, she had a smirk across her face and walked over to Mark, leaning on him and touching his abs, making circling motions.
Mark backed away, he glanced over to me, seeing my worried face.
She kept following him until he put his hand on her chest and pushed her away.
Tina: aww, why won't you become my friend? You'll have so much more fun. We'll make sure you have more fun.
Mark: I don't want to be your friend, I'd rather have one REAL friend that I can trust and love, un like you, (Y/n) loves me.
All of Tina's friends laughed, Tina cackled. They finally stopped.
Tina: I don't believe y-
Before she could finish, and before I could blink.
Marks smashed his lips against mine, giving it his all, my eyes slowly shut as I give in.
He is an amazing kisser!!
Finally we both stopped, I kept smirking at his lips, hungry for more. Not realising that Tina was in shock.
Finally I snap out of the trance, and glance over at Tina and her fiends. All of there jaws dropped.
Mark: now if you may, please leave us the f*ck alone.
He spat and we walked off, I quickly grabbed the basket of food that we needed. We paid and went home.
My heart was racing still, I bite my lip as we pull into my drive way. We both get out, Mark already carrying all of the bags, I open the door for him as he places them in the kitchen.
He glances at me and turns around fully, arms wide open waiting for me to embrace.
I obey his instruction, hugging him tightly, burying my face into his.
Mark: I love you, (Y/n)
My heart skipped a beat before I replied.
Y/n): I love you too, Mark
Nearly 20 reads!!! Aaahhh thank you so much!!
I only started writing this like a week or so, and already!! Wow thank you so so so much, I love you guys!!
Ok enough of that *rubs back of neck*
Catch ya later,
~Bappy Chap♥️

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