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Can you hear it?

Because I can't

Did you hear that?

Sorry "perfects"

I was born deaf

I never had the chance to hear my parents' say:

"I love you" or "I miss you"

Whenever they want to express their feelings verbally

Nor can I hear their "Congratulations"

When I did something good

Or a "See you later"

When I'm heading of to school

And never will I ever hear a "Thank you"

Should they even be grateful they got a defective one?

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On the bright side,

I can't hear the insults and backbites from so-called friends,

Our neighbor's karaoke solo,

So monotonous and wild.

My parents' arguing about having me, a deaf-mute - for a child.

Sometimes, I wish that God didn't allow me to exist,

If I have to be deprived of auditory happiness.

Sometimes, I even wonder why I have to suffer from hearing loss

when there are a lot of people who deserve it more

How about you 'perfects' who can hear?

You abuse your gift by listening to classless music with abominable lyrics

You would even pretend that you can't hear your parents when they are:

Asking you to clean,

Calling you home before dark,

Waking you up for school.

You'd even go to nightclubs and indulge yourselves to deafening music for fun.

You won't even listen to your teacher's lecture and you even blame them for the bad grades you get.

If I were in your place I'd do everything just to hear:

my mom's "Take care",

my dad's "Good luck",

the birds' chirping,

and even the sound of thunder, rain and lightning

If only you know how I feel you abusive people,

How cruel of you to not value the gift of hearing

Can you hear it? *bow*

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