Chess Rydenaka

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Full name: Cheshire Shaelynn Rydenaka (Cheh-Shire Shaw-Lin Ry-den-aw-kuh) :)

Nickame(s): Chess, Chessie

Age: 19, as of always XD

Likes: Soft rain showers in the spring and summer as she reads a fine novel; sipping a hot cup of chai tea before stepping out into a cool, cloudy day; riding her bike around the campus of the university she attends on a grey and misty day.

Pet peeves: False senses of security; bullying; narcissism; when people are always right; people who can't just enjoy life for what it is instead of what it isn't, no matter how hard it gets.

Something Chess would say: "Think of the possibilities! The fresh air you receive from nature can help you feel so much more alive!"

Something Chess would disagree with: "You can sooo put a price on happiness."

Chess's sibling(s): Cheri and Lionel

Description: Naturally, Chess's hair is a platinum blonde color, but she likes to dye it to a grey-purple color during the first semester of the year. She has fair skin, freckles, and beautiful gleaming eyes that change from purple to brown depending upon her mood (purple-happy, sad, shy, nervous; brown-angry, frustrated, hurt, surprised). She has full round lips, naturally a strawberry pink-red color. She's thinner than a lot of her classmates, in part by her being a vegan and spending less time eating and more time volunteering at the animal shelter.

Some pictures to fit her description:

Some pictures to fit her description:

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