[Alicia's POV]
I looked to see who it was. It was none other than JB. He let go and pulled me to the janitors closet.
"What Are We Doing Here?" I asked
"Let's Skip Class Today. And Stay Here For Awhile." He said
I agreed because I needed to cool down. I snuggled listening to music with him the entire time. I texted the girls what happened and they understood.
"Let's Go." He said
"Arasso" I said
We were walking side by side but his arm was around my neck this time. Instead of going to class, we went out of school. We kept walking until we got to the mall.
"Let's Go Get Some Lunch" he said
I thought about it and nodded. We went in Iron Age since we were in our uniforms.
"Hyung! Can We Get Some Pork & Beef!" He shouted
"Your Family Owns This Place?" I asked
"Yep! It Was A Tradition In Our Family But I Chose To Be An Idol." He said
"Oh-" I said
We finished eating. Then went back to our dorm. I changed into sweats & a high-low crop shirt without a tank top.
"I'm Gonna Go To The Dance Room" I told him
"I'm Coming Too" he said
I just nodded. We got to the dance room & we just danced to whatever song came on. I free-styled to whatever I didn't know.
While dancing I thought:
He was my kpop husband! He STOLE MY FIRST KISS!!!! I'll get my revenge soon!!
[JB's POV]
While I was dancing I was taking glances at Alicia. Then at one moment, I just stared at her while dancing. She looked like she was about to murder someone!
-Next Day-
School Prep Rally
[No One's POV]
It was the day of celebrating new students to the school which are us freshman's. There were loud music and shops and many people were randomly called to dance. Luckily it was an all day event!
Alicia spent last night thinking of what she would do to get her revenge.
She was walking around the place looking. Then she saw Yong Guk with his friends, BAP. After she saw him she grinned evilly!
[Bang Yong Guk's POV]
"Yah. How Was Your New Nerd Yesterday? Jongup asked
"Ruined. This Girl Helped Him." I said
"Ahahaha. I Could Take "Care" Of Her For You." Daehyun said
"Ani. I Already Did" I said
"Oooo-" They said
"Ahh- Our Yong Guk Finally Had Guts To Do That" Zelo said
We just kept talking about whatever. Then I see her walking my way.
"She's Probably Head Over Heels For Me Now" I told them
They were confused and looked his way and understood that she was the girl.
"Yah! Isn't She One Of The New Freshman's, Alicia." said Youngjae
"I Guess?" I said
She finally was in front of me. Then I felt her lips being pressed onto mine. I totally started falling for her at that moment! I started kissing back but then she pulled away.
[Alicia's POV]
Since I found him, I decided to start with the plan. I was walking towards him. Once I reached him. I pressed my lips against his. Everyone was staring and gasping. I could feel anger surrounding me but I never cared about those things. He was kissing back and I panicked a little, not noticeable tho, and pulled away. I smirked and turned around to see JB oppa. I smiled and walked towards him. Then I hugged him and kissed his cheek. But then he kissed me on the lips for about a minute.
Earlier, I explained to JB the plan and he agreed. But the thing we never discussed was the passionate kiss. I was surprised at first but somehow enjoyed it.
[Yong Guk's POV]
After the kiss, she walked away. My heart was beating very fast but stopped when I saw her hugging Got7's JB. I shattered into pieces after I saw them kissing. I became furiously angry. I curled my hands into a fist and left. I'll be sure to get both of them.
-Next Day-
[Alicia's POV]
I heard fighting and hollering from the halls. I ran to check it out. My eyes widened when I saw it was Yong Guk & JB. They were both punching each other and bleeding. I acted fast and ran over to the middle of them. Both of their fist came in at the same time right when I was there. I quickly leaned back and caught both of their fist. Everyone was shocked but I gave everyone the death glare signaling them to go away. All of them actually sped away. When they were gone and it was only us plus BAP, I removed my hands and waved it back and forth because it actually hurt like shit when I caught it. Then I spoke up..
"Oppa, Go To The Nurse. I'll Go See You After I Talk With Him" I said to JB
"Arasso" he said and walked away
I was about to explode out with curse words until.. I was being carried by BAP to an empty, abandoned room.
My eyes widened when....

Memories With Got7~
Fanfiction7 girls & 7 boys knowing each other since childhood. Then the 7boys got parted from them. 16 years later, how will they meet again!? How will they act towards each other from now on?! And how will they deal with they're new, surprising life!? Who wi...