My Main Avatar OC

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Name- Amber

Nationality- Fire Nation, with a bit of Earth Kingdom ancestry.

Age- 14, born 6 years after the war ended.

Gender- female, if you couldn't tell.

Parents- Azula of the Fire Nation (mother), Hideyoshi of the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom (father).

Siblings- Zuli (twin sister), Kimiko (younger sister), Tadashi (younger brother), Kazuki (younger brother)

Living Maternal Relatives- Firelord Zuko, Ursa, Kiyi (daughter of Ursa and Ikem), Former Firelord Ozai, Iroh, Princess Kiyomi (daughter of Zuko and Mai), Princess Izumi (sister to Lu-Ten and Kiyomi), Prince Lu-Ten (second born child of Zuko and Mai), Princess Meilin (through secret circumstances that I won't tell you, as it's a major spoiler)

Living Paternal Relatives- Rokuro (fifth brother to Hideyoshi), Katashi (first brother to Hideyoshi), Jiro (second brother to Hideyoshi), Kenta (third brother to Hideyoshi), Goro (fourth brother to Hideyoshi), Shichiro (sixth brother to Hideyoshi), Takumi (seventh brother to Hideyoshi), Himari (daughter to Rokuro), Sho (son to Katashi). You know what? I'll just make a separate chapter for his family...

Bending Abilities- all main types of bending because of the Sacred Chance; subcategories of lightning, lava, and metal. Fire is white.

Appearance- the spitting image of Azula, with slightly higher cheekbones and emerald green eyes, long, raven black hair that she puts into a topknot for royal or formal occasions.

Personality- strong, powerful, clever, and fierce, very protective, kind and patient when she wants to be, with Hideyoshi's good side.

I know that she is OP. At this point, I don't really care, because it's essential to my storyline.

Love you guys!
A. Cratts

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