Chapter 4: You're My Hunny Bunny

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CHAPTER 4: You're My Hunny Bunny

Lily's POV:

The bell rang for lunch time and everyone came out from their classes. I walked to my locker to put my books away.

"Lily!" Jenny shouted from the sea-walking-monsters on the hallway. I halted and whipped my head to her direction. She's trying to run her way towards me but a lot of tall sea-walking-monsters blocks her way. "Excuse me, excuse me," she groaned to every tall person that's blocking her. I smiled at her and as soon as the tall monsters are out of the way, she looks at me with a bright smile plastered on her face, waving at me. She walked towards me and I can see a glint of sparkle in her eyes.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Oh my bloody goat, you need to tell me everything," Jenny squealed as she drags me with her to my locker. "And I mean every. single. detail," she said when we arrived in front of my locker.

"It was shocking," I mumbled as I open my locker, placing my books.

"Tell me all about it" she asked as she crossed her arms on her chest.

"Mom and I met Matt Austin's mom last night," I replied closing the door of my locker then faced Jenny. She was obviously surprised at what I just said because her eyes are so big that I think it was about to jump off of her face.

"Y-you m-met," she stuttered and paused to swallow. "You met his mother?!"

"Shhh!" I hissed placing my index finger on my lips then nodded. "Yes, I met his mother."

"What does she look like? Does she look pretty? I bet she looks gorgeous! Does she look like a celebrity? I heard she looks like Julia Roberts. How was her fashion? I heard she dress modestly. Is she kind? She's classy, isn't she? Tell me, did she like you? OMG, she's totally going to like you! I mean, look at you. You're kind, pretty, a little bit smart and you're secretly rich!" Jenny piped up as we walk our way to the cafeteria. She goes on and on throwing questions at me but I never get a chance to answer because she's already answering them herself.

I halted when we're near to the cafeteria. I faced Jenny and placed my hands on her shoulder saying, "Jenny, you're right. She's gorgeous, she kinda looks like Julia Roberts, she dresses modestly and she acts classy but there's something wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"She is mom's high school best friend."

"She's your mom's what? Best friend?!"

"Keep your voice down," I hissed then we started walking again, entering the cafeteria. "Yeah, she's my mom's best friend and trust me, mom told me all about her ever since I entered high school myself. She said that you and I are just like them back in their high school days."

"Really? That is so cool! So how did the dinner go? And why did you said that there's something wrong? What could go wrong?" Jenny asked while she grabs a pie and places it on her tray.

"Dinner was okay. Mom and Matt Austin's mom, Sofia, was talking and reminiscing their high school days together while Matt Austin and I were just shooting glares at each other. If only you could see the look on his face when he saw that I brought my mom with me. It was priceless." I chuckled while grabbing a sandwich, placing it on my tray.

"Okay.. but you still didn't answer my question. What do mean by 'there's something wrong'?"

I bit my lower lip and we both took a seat on our usual table since freshman year. I looked at Jenny who's eyes are narrowed to me, ready to hear my reply. "The thing that's wrong is..."


"Matt Austin's mom said that they're moving into a new built house and..." I replied and Jenny nodded, waiting to finish my sentence. She was all eyes and ears to me. "And remember the huge lot located in front of my house? Remember that there's a newly built modern mansion standing there? It was built for like 2 years and a half."

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