Two months laterIt's been a minute since that whole incident with Gissy catching Shawn with that woman, but all is well now. Shawn explained to her as best he could about what she saw without disturbing her innocence completely. Giselle knows a little about the birds and the bees but she can't quite grasp the actual intercourse aspect.
Because of that, Shawn decided he wanted to let go of his playboy ways & start dating me. At first I didn't want to entertain being with him because I felt like I was his after-thought with all the women he's dealt with. Clearly he could've been courted me after all these years. With much persuasion before he left to finish touring & once he finally got off, I caved in. We've been slowly trying to figure out how to make this new relationship work since we have so much history and we can't really start from scratch. I must say so far it's good.
Right now I'm driving Kaely to her dentist appointment before school starts today. When she told me she's never been to one, I immediately had to schedule an appointment. Health & self care is extremely important to me, & Kay eats sweets all the time so I need to see if there's any cavities.
I would've took Gissy with us so she can get checked up too, but I made her ride the bus because she has a quiz. Thinking about the day I have planned, I'm glad I don't have any morning classes. Once we made it back to school, the kids will be entering lunch.
"BB after the dentist can I get Chipotle for lunch?" Kay asked.
"Why so you can flaunt it in front of Destiny? Uh no." She laughed. She's not slick. Why do kids want to get fast-food just to rub it in front of their friend's faces at lunch? It's so petty.
"C'mon she always does it to me & I was gonna see if she wanted something too." She said.
"Mmhhmmm sure. Go ahead & ask her what she want." I said. We made it to the building & got out the car.
We walked inside the office & I signed Kay in. The place wasn't as packed this morning so hopefully we'll get in and out.
"You think I'll have cavities?" Kaely asked.
"Probably. I mean you eat so many sweets & that needs to be cut out. Sodas too. That's too much sugar you're consuming" I said.
"What about braces? You see this gap right here?" She had her mouth all open in my face.
"Girl if you don't back up and close your mouth. There's nothing wrong with your teeth, they're perfect the way they are." I said.
"Thanks BB."
"Kaely Thompson?" A nurse read from the chart. We both stood up and headed towards the back. The nurse pulled up a chair for me and left the room. The dentist came a few minutes later & greeted us before he proceeded with Kay's mouth.
"Okay mom we have a slight problem." He said. I stood up to get a closer look, not even realizing he referred to me as Kay's mom. "So she actually has no cavities but it looks like she may need braces. She has a tooth inside the top of her gums & we need to get that pulled down so her gap in the front will close." He said.
"Wait she has a tooth inside her gums? Is that normal?" I asked.
"Yes it's actually really common but it will take oral surgery to attach a metal chain to the tooth inside the gum so that every time she gets the colors changed for her braces, we'll tug on the tooth so it'll come down." He explained. I took everything in that he said as Kay looked at me scared.
"Okay so what's the next step?" I asked.
"Well we gotta get her molded for braces the next visit & also book a time she can have the surgery. It's nothing too major because she'll have laughing gas for the pain, & I suggest we do it on a Friday so she'll have the weekend to recover." He said.
The Collectives
FanfictionBook of short stories. I have so many concepts and want one book to hold all of my ideas.