Chapter 8

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*Marinette's POV*

Marinette stood right in front of the Youtube Convention building and took in a deep breath. Alya looked at her, "You can do it Marinette," she said as she took out her camera and went inside to film what was happening.

"I can do it, I can do it, I can do it," Marinette said nervously and entered the building. Inside was a booth for each and every Youtuber, some booths were together to symbolize partnership between Youtubers.

Marinette looked around for her and Chat Noir's booth. They wouldn't be running it because the face reveal was going to happen later, but one of them had to make it and Marinette wanted to see what Chat Noir had created.

Marinette finally spotted her and Chat Noir's booth. It was an amazing booth, half of it Chat Noir-themed and the other half Ladybug-themed. It was truly impressive compared to the other booths. Marinette walked towards her booth and that's when she heard a voice.

"No way! Ladybug would never pick you to run her booth, it should be me!" said a familiar voice. Marinette immediately recognized the voice, it was Chloe, Chloe Bourgeois. 

"Well, Ladybug didn't pick me. Chat Noir did." argued another voice. The owner of that voice was her friend, Nino Lahiffe.

 Marinette walked right over to Chloe. "You want to run the booth?" she asked, "Why?" Chloe looked at her and rolled her eyes, "Because I am Ladybug's greatest fan! I have to run this booth thing, she would want me to instead of him" she said, pointedly looking at Nino.

"Well, to be exact she wouldn't want you to run this booth. Ladybug trusted Chat Noir to let someone in charge of that booth and that person is Nino. So actually Ladybug wants Nino to run her and Chat Noir's booth," Adrien said, appearing.

Marinette's heart stopped, Adrien was here too! He would see her confess to everyone that she was Ladybug. What would he think of her?

  "I'll tell Daddy about this!" Chloe huffed and went away. "Thanks, dude," Nino said to Adrien. "No problem, Nino. You would do the same," Adrien replied.  

He turned to her, "Hi Marinette, what are you doing here?" Marinette tried to search for words, "Hi... um... I-I'm here to s-see Chat N-Noir," She stuttered, glad that what she said was actually the truth.

"Cool," Adrien said, "I'm here to see Ladybug," That's when Marinette mentally died. He's here to see me? Well, not me. He's here to see Ladybug... which is me... Marinette thought, getting more and more confused every passing second.

She saw Alya run over, "Hi Adrien and Nino," Alya said, "Hi Alya," Nino and Adrien both said in unison.

"Marinette, I've been looking all over for you, come with me," Alya said, dragging Marinette away from Adrien so she wouldn't mess anything up. 

"Thanks, Alya," Marinette said when they were far enough from Adrien and Nino. "No problem, Marinette," Alya said.

Thank goodness Alya came to save the day, Marinette thought, But she can't save me when I do the face reveal, it's something I have to do on my own.

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