Polls 2.0

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Super sorry. As most of you know, I submitted links to two polls yesterday. And today, I tried accessing the results of the polls and that is where everything went wrong. Unfortunately, for some apparent reason, my computer will not allow me to access the results, leaving me to do this. And please to vote, it could really help me out and I would really appreciate it from all you awesome people!

Recreate the polls. Super sorry, but I have no other choice. *sigh* here we go.

Here is the link to the E-zone poll!


And now, the link to who Y/n should be paired with or who should 'accidentally' touch her E-zone!


Sorry to have to do this again, put I hope you do enjoy this! And remember, if you aren't able to access the poll, just go ahead and comment your answers! WOOO! And everyone have a great day/night! Love you all!

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