Lucy's Pov,
I was back in my own body. Back in control. I saw my daughter staring at me with hope as I turned my head toward my mother who stepped back. "MUM!" Igneel shouted with relief in his voice as I was still feeling great amount of pain. I knew what was happening. "You idiot girl" my mother nearly shouted as the seal on the ground started to float and come flying inside of me. I nearly screamed with pain but no sound came out my mouth as I fell onto my knees. "MUM" I heard Nashi and Igneel shout worried.
"LUCY" I then heard Natsu his voice was slightly deeper and cold. E.N.D must of been in control. The magic seal soon started to show up on parts on my skin as I pushed myself back up onto my feet. "Anyone who threatens my family. Fairy Tail, Nashi, Igneel and Natsu don't live very long" I spoke loudly and harsh as I looked toward my mother who stepped back slightly. She went to pull out a key to a sin but I moved fast to punch her around the face. This sent her fly nearly off the roof even.
Once my fist touched her it made great pain go flying through. The pain was getting worse. I knew what would happen if I kept going. I had no choice. I was taking deep breaths. "You will kill us all" my mother spoke deadly as my hands were shaking. I was unable to stop them from shaking or even control it. "I will protect my family" I spoke flames showing up around me and my mother. Use the dagger in my hand, throwing it toward Nashi. The dagger hitting one of the chains holding her in place.
Destroying it. Nashi was able to destroy the other chain with her dragon magic. I was staring right at my mother. My old memories showed me a kind person. A person who cared for others when they was fake. My real mother was a killer, someone who only cared for power and herself. Someone who would threaten my children. I.... I wasn't who I really was. As much as everyone knew me as the happy Lucy Heartfilla or Dragneel. They was all wrong. I wasn't a pure and nice as everyone put it.
I wasn't. I was like her. Just like her. A killer. Someone who had hurt others for power. Someone who once put her family in chains... I turned them into slaves. My eyes were watering slightly. I was sick of myself. I hated it. The memories. The truth. It was painful. More painful than the what the seal was doing to me. The fact that I hurt the people I loved. I lifted my hand in the air. "My Stars Hear My Call" I started to chant as my normal golden magic seal showed above my hand. My mother rushed toward me.
She getting a sword in her hand. Nashi moved fast punching her away and protecting me. I wished that I would see the power she would grow to. "Free The Spirits, Free Them From Our Sin. End Those Of Have Caused Them Harm" I chanted loudly as my seal went flying into the air growing through the whole sky. Lucifer and Wraith fell onto their knees screaming in pain as I felt the pain inside of myself getting worse. What shocked me was that it also felt numbing in a way. That made no sense but it was the truth.
The seals on my skin started to burn me as I kept my hand in the air. Keeping the spell going as it healed the Celestail World. Freeing my family from my mothers spells. My mother was starting to have a golden glow. "You really are my daughter" she spoke smirking looking right at me as I looked at her. A tear going down my cheek. "Sadly I am and I am just like you" I replied as my children looked at me confused and worried as Natsu was turning back to normal. Soon the seal vanished as I saw Lucifer and Wraith were gone.
My mother was vanishing into the golden light. "In time Lucifer will be free my dear daughter and when that happens I wish your daughter much luck" my mother spoke as she vanished. She was gone. Igneel and Nashi were cheering as they was talking also. They was asking what happened on their side of the story. Natsu rushed to my side as I started to fall backwards. My children shouting for me as Natsu had gotten there in time to catch me. I felt my spirits along with Erza, Gray, Wendy and even Natsu's father show up.
"Lucy" I heard the others whisper worried as Wendy rushed to my side trying to heal me. The seals slowly were vanishing as they was going into my body. Even more pain. I felt my heart was unable to keep up with this pain. My own body shutting down from it. "Lucy, stay awake" Natsu spoke worried his eyes watering slightly. My sight was slowly leaving me. I was slowly going blind as I was then unable to feel the heat from Natsu. The heat he gave off when he was holding me. "I-I can't heal her" Wendy spoke.
"The price of the seals" Aquarius spoke as it seemed she was the only one I could see without it going blurry. The others were most likely confused. "The spell Layla was trying to use if Lucy wouldn't kill someone the seal would give her so much pain it will kill her instead" Aquarius spoke as I heard Nashi shouting at Aquarius. She was begging for her to be wrong as I was able to make out that Igneel was holding her back. Tears going down his own face. I just smiled. "Don't be like that" I spoke.
Everyone was quiet looking at me. "I might be gone from this body but Eclair and I will be watching over you guys" I spoke as I heard my own pain in my voice. I could make out that some people were crying. "Natsu..." I spoke as my eyes were slowly closing. "Yeah?" he asked as I heard the pain in his voice. He didn't want me to go. I didn't want to go. "I love you and the kids" I then whispered as my eyes closed. I was no longer in any pain. "W-we love you too Lucy" I heard Natsu as I heard he was crying.
It felt strange as I felt as if I was opening my eyes. I saw Eclair standing there looking below us. I looked down to see everyone crying over my body. "You have a loving family to carry on your adventures" Eclair spoke as me and her looked at each other. Soon next to her was Michelle and my father. Around us soon started to change as we was in a golden field. I saw the blue sky as the three of them was smiling at me. "Your mother was once a good woman Lucy. Please remember that" my father spoke.
I moved toward them all. "The women I had to fight was not my mother. My real mother was a kind soul" I spoke my voice cracking as we all ended up hugging.
I love you three more than anything.
I was so sorry to leave you this soon.
I love you.
I love you all so much.

Family Together (NaLu)
Fanfiction*Book 3 Of 'I Need You'* Nashi is now 5 years old with Igneel being 16. Lucy and Natsu have to deal with a hyper active young Nashi who always wants to be with her father while dealing with Igneel who is having his first crush and his Dragon Mate...