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February 13, 2017
Dear Diary,

OMG!! 21 Pilots won a Grammy! I was waiting for the Adele performance and to see if Ariana Grande won some categories when they happened to say that 21 Pilots was a nominee!! Josh Done had matching yellow hair with his sister's yellow dress, it was sooo cute!

OMG!! 21 Pilots won a Grammy! I was waiting for the Adele performance and to see if Ariana Grande won some categories when they happened to say that 21 Pilots was a nominee!! Josh Done had matching yellow hair with his sister's yellow dress, it wa...

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They are such a cute couple!!! <3

And that's Josh Done's sister! She's not so pretty though

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And that's Josh Done's sister! She's not so pretty though...

But anyway, omg you won't believe what happened next!! When they went up to get their Grammy, they TOOK OF THEIR PANTS!! HOLY CRAP! They have such hot thighs!!! Man, that made my day! Seriously, I was so excited! Best part of 2017 so far!!!!!!! Oh, and the Grammy was cool too.

Never in my life did I think I would say the words "They have such hot thighs''

And yet...

Here I am

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