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I wish you understood me, I really do
But to wish you felt what I did, is something I can never wish on anyone
It's like living hell honestly
Voices in your head screaming constantly

Memories and emotions that suddenly hit
You're drowning and spiralling down a pit
To feel guilt for someone's death
To feel anger that you're not someone else
To feel sadness for yourself
To feel pressure to do well

Everything just clawing at your brain
Like starved animals in a cage
Waiting to be let out
Ready to tear and ravage anything on the spot

It's worse than alcohol burning your throat
Or sun scorching your skin
It's a knife wound over and over again
Puncturing your soul, your heart, every beating organ in you
And even that would have been a lovelier touch

So stop saying you understand, when you can barely survive a paper cut
You're untouched and I'm beyond ruin
I'm the moon, trying to find light in the darkness
While you're the sun. Trying to light an already lit world
So don't try to say we are the same

you can never understand what it's like
For each breath to feel like death
Suffocating you as your lungs expand
Even cigarette smoke is more liberating

Each step feels as if you're sinking
Since your heart is just stone cold steel
And you just wonder how come you've not hit rock bottom
How much worse can it all get
When a nightmare seems like a peaceful dream
And death is the sweet luscious cream on top

So, I'll spare you, don't try to understand me
all you can do is stand and stare
As Crimson run down my cheeks
While salty tears wash yours

My minds a mess now. I can't think straight

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