The other artists clapped. "We want to give them as much exposure to the music industry, and fashion world as much as we can."

"So with that being said, I want the Fashion show to take place in the Spring, and Summer of this year."

"Which means you have two months to get prepared." Nakia he said looking at her without blinking you are going to design the "new logo" for Famous Records he said studying our apparel.

"You seemed to have made a "Fashion statement" with your logo, so I want you to finish what you started" he then told her.

Nakia looked at him with excitement. "If you can come up with actual design, that presents our new logo you will be presented with $50,000.00 and a $100,000.00 contract as the designer for Famous Records Apparel," he told her.

I have deposited $5,000.00 in your account as of now since your signed to Famous Records.

"Thank you so much Mr.Richardson I promise I won't disappoint you," an excited Nakia told him.

"You will first work in April, to get the ins, and outs about the Fashion industry.

"You will work together when it comes to getting the material, sketches, and whatever else is needed to get the designs made. "

You have two months to present an actual design."

She nodded her head in agreement while Rachelle was seen writing down everything he said.

Gifted, he said staring directly at me.

I looked at him.

He studied my body movement which said that I was "nervous."

"Tonight I want you to start working on writing 4 songs, these songs will be featured on the Famous Records Mixtape album this Summer," he reassured me.

"You will work with Zamora for the first two, and the "other songs" will be done with me" he insisted.

"You will create your own verses to each song." The other artists rolled their eyes at the fact that "Zamora" was getting the chance to work with me first.

"I'm going easy on you."

"I usually tell the artists to have 20 songs, written but you only get 4."

"I have got a feel of your vocal skills, so I'm giving you four to do" he cautioned.

"Zahara will be checking out your vocal cords in the studio to make sure your vocal cords are on point he then said.

I became angry. The emotions from his words "you don't have what it takes to compete with Zahara" must have taken over me because I found myself blurting out the words

"I don't need Zahara Thomas for that" with sass.

Devon Richardson glared at me from across the room.

"Uh oh!!!" Nakia said.

This is going to be interesting Nakia thought as she watched the tension unfold between me, and Devon Richardson

"Is that right??" he asked staring at me.

"Gifted, come to the front of the room" he instructed.

The room got quiet.

I did as I was told.

"Sing right now" he demanded.

Right now? I asked

Obviously, yes he told me rolling his eyes.

I began singing. He got up and listened as the other artists, Steveson, and Nakia watched in awe.

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