Chapter 8-Connections

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She smiled at him, "Sesshomaru.. I.. think I .. love you."

Sesshomaru's looked in her eyes for a moment, he was stunned to say the least. He had never thought he would hear that word said to him. In fact he never did, not even from his own mother growing up. And he will admit the time spent with Kagome have been amazing and he did have a strange thumping in his chest around her. Was that strange feeling love...? He couldn't of been sure. Until now, as he stared down at her with the feeling was deep in his chest. It was a feeling he never experienced before. He did have a similar feeling with Rin but, it was more of a feeling one would have of a guardian or father would for their child. This feeling he felt with Kagome felt much greater, he felt he needed to protect her,make sure she was always happy, to always stay by her side. Even back when ever he use to see her he would feel tense and on edge however, he didn't think much of it. Though he knew it was unusual for him to feel that way around anyone.. maybe from what had happened with his late father's death. He wanted nothing to do with a humans let alone a human woman, although he had since took Rin under his wing without realizing the changes inside of him over time. Now with everything that has happened, and being with her now with this feeling.. It must be.. he only feels it when he is with her, and only her. He smoothed his thumb over her cheek slowly. "I love you too." he said, giving one of his rare smiles.

Kagome was smiling in return she is happy to know he feels the same way she does for him. She blushed slightly and swallowed. She had given herself a second chance to feel love again though she would of never thought it would of been Sesshomaru of all people past and present, however she was happy it was. She was so grateful for everything he had given her and all the love she felt. She had a strong feeling inside of her a feeling of sharing to give her all to the man hovering over her. His golden eyes shined in the light of the candle. "Sesshomaru.."

He leaned in a little closer to her, "Yes, my dear. What is it?"

Having to blush more for being called that, she bit her lip and said, "I.. want to mate with you.. Well, I mean I want to... You know.." Now that caught him off guard, he blinked looking over her face comprehending what she was meaning. The bright red hue on her cheeks, was evident enough but, her expression was soft and sultry... There was no denying it then.

He fully climbs over her, looking into her eyes with a serious expression "Kagome are you sure? We can wait til you're ready."

She smiles, "I'm sure, I'm ready as I'll ever be.. but.." she seemed to fumble over her words for a moment, as if embarrassed.

"Hn?" He raised a curious eyebrow at her strange and nervous behavior. "What is it?" Taking a strand of her hair holding it up to his lips, carefully watching her.

She bit her lip silently looking up to meet his gaze again. "Be gentle.. It'll be my first time.." she blushed nervously. This news made Sesshomaru very happy, he figured she and Inuyasha have done something before. But, now to know he knew that she was pure and was willing to get her innocence to him, and not Inuyasha brought a smile to his face.

"Of course, anything for you, my love." They began to kiss again, slowly starting to let their souls become one..

In the morning, Sango and Miroku got on Kirara and headed for the Western Lands they wanted to pay Kagome and Shippo a visit. Sango still furious at Inuyasha for his actions, she needed to see her sister and she if she is safe. She knows Sesshomaru can be a bit stoic but, he wouldn't be arrogant or brash as Inuyasha is. She didn't even look back to say goodbye to the half demon as they flew away.

While they left Inuyasha sat in his tree, sulking in his own stupid mistakes from the previous days. He was in his thought when spotted a soul collector. "Kikyo.." He followed after it jumping from tree to tree. As he came to a small clearing he saw the woman he been searching for. "Kikyo."

She turned to face him, her expression was her normal neutral stare. "Inuyasha.."

He jumped down from the branch he was standing on and walked closer to her. "I been looking all over for you!"

She smiled weakly, "Yes, I'm sure you have.." He looked at her face and notice her skin looked paler then normal, along with the color in her eyes.

"H-hey... Are you.. ok?" he asked, becoming more worried about her.

"No.." she coughs, some blood came up into her hand. "My soul is weakening.. Along with this body.. It is still only a cheap replica of what it use to be.. It is starting to fail me." She slowly sinks down onto the tree she was standing next to.

He quickly moved over to her side to helped her stand, "What can I do to help?.." His voice shook a bit, becoming more worried for her as he watched her struggle.

Her breaths were hollow and raspy, as if she was dehydrated. She looked at him grimly, clinging onto his sleeve of his fire rat robe. "To restore my body.. and to stay alive... I need my soul back." ....

Sesshomaru and Kagome laid in bed together exhausted from last night, intertwined together in each others embrace. As usual a servant lady came by and opened the door. "Goodmorning Lord Sesshomaru and Mis-" When she looked into the room to greet the Great lord and his new mate. She became a bit flustered seeing the two naked and tangled up. "My lor-... Uh.." She looks down quickly, adverting her eyes from the couple.

Sesshomaru now fully awake, looks over to the young female demon servant at his door. "Yes, what is it?"

She bowed before him and began to relay her message to him. "My lord, there are guest here to see Lady Kagome."

"Hn." He nodded and he gestured his hand to shoo her away, she bowed once more as she dismissed herself. Rolling over he kissed Kagome's soft cheek, "Wake up, love. You have guests."

After a moment, she stretched a little and rubbed her tired eyes. "Five more minutes.." she yawned, nuzzling her face back into the nook of his neck. He smiled, though he wouldn't mind spending all day in bed with his new mate. He knew who was out waiting for her, he could sense the familiar presences in the main room. He knew she would love to see her comrades again so sadly he did have to wake her.

"But, we can't keep the guests waiting.." he whispered in her ear, and softly nipped at it playfully.

She moaned softly, "Don't do that..." Though he knew she was telling him 'no' it sounded more provocative then she meant it to be.

He smirked and leaned down to whisper in her ear again, "If you don't get up, the servants will see you naked again."

With that statement her eyes opened up, he cheek flushed. "Fine I'll get up." She slowly got up and made her way to her closest in her room and began sifting through them. He had watched her every step, he smirked watching her body sway and the markings from last nights festivities. After taking that moment to admire her, he stood and got dressed himself and they headed down the hall together.

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