(A/N): Hey! Hope you're all having a great day so far! Let's get right into the chapter!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's been about a month since you've started teaching and you had a routine built in for every class. Coincidentally it's where you were, in the middle of class.
"The aura that resides within you is the embodiment of your soul it's self. This allows it to become a primary factor for any hunter or huntress in training. The reason our soul is able to manifest it's self in such a way is- Mr. Winchester refrain from messing with Mr. Arc, and Mr. Arc wake up." You said not having to look away from your book hearing the two of them shift their positions to what they were before you had to correct them.
As you were about to continue with the lesson you quickly glanced at the clock to see that class was about to end making you close your book and head to the seat behind you desk and sitting. "That concludes today's lesson, don't forget the homework, I'll see you all next class." You concluded as the bell rang making everyone grab their belongings and leave the class.
As the last students were leaving you pulled one aside, Jaune Arc to be precise for a moment.
"Don't worry boy, you're not it trouble," You told him making him let out a sigh in relief "but you will be if you don't pull your grade up. You're just a point above passing my class. And do you know what happens if you fail a class?" You asked him making him think for a moment
"Something bad happens...?" He shyly responded scratching the back of his head
You let out a sigh yourself "Yes Mr.Arc, you get sent to a summer course and if you fail that you get expelled." You told him making him tense up "But I'm offering you a chance to prevent that, if you can get a 20 page essay on the manifestation and use of our aura by the end of the month I will give you a substantial grade in extra credit points." You told him making his face light up.
"Of course! I'll have it done!" He said making you smile at him and nod
"Good, now off you go. Your team is probably waiting for you." You said making him nod as well and run out of the room.
As you watched him run out you saw Glynda heading towards your desk holding a clipboard. Swiveling your chair to where you would be facing with her she approached you and began talking.
"Good afternoon Mr. (L/N)." She said writing something down on her clipboard before looking at you.
"And to you Ms. Goodwitch, what can I do for you?" You asked leaning back into your seat.
"You and I have been assigned a mission which we will be leaving for at the end of this week. You have this time to prepare your classes according to your leave for the time." She said adjusting her glasses.
"Alright, and what's the mission?"
"We're escorting a high priority target from a remote village in the mountains of Atlas to the main kingdom"
"Got it, I'll see you then." You said turning back to your desk to file out some paperwork as she took her leave.
As soon as she left the room a smirk crawled to your lips as you filed everything out. A mission is just what you needed.
~Time Skip~
You woke up with a groggy yawn as your alarm went off earlier than usual. You knew today was your mission with Glynda and you were excited, just more tired than so at the moment. Slamming your alarm silent you pulled the blanket back over your head with an annoyed groan.

Worth it - Glynda Goodwitch x Male!Professor!Reader
FanfictionWelcome to Beacon academy! The most prestigious school in all of Vale! Here you will be teaching the future of the world of Remnant along side your fellow professors.