Q&A!!! Part 9 (wow)

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Saiisgay: Author-chan!

Saiisgay: oh wonderful Author-chan

Saiisgay: where have you been?

Saiisgay: will you ever return?

Author-Chan: new phone who dis

Saiisgay: haha not funny

SasukeKun: your social life is funny sai

Saiisgay: wut?

SasukeKun: gay

Saiisgay: yes, I'm gay, your gay, your point?


Saiisgay: emo

SasukeKun: you are the reason ducklings kill themselves, they take one look at your ugly face and feel sad

Author-Chan: jesus calm down Mr. Emo.

SasukeKun: why are you alive?

Author-Chan: shut up, you love me

SasukeKun: no

Author-Chan: yeesss

Author-Chan: Sasuke, this question is from alyssasobers: Okay if everyone died like EVERYONE DUDE would you cry or would you like not care?

SasukeKun: fuck you Author-Bitch

Author-Chan: answer the question

SasukeKun: if you died author I'd be crying

Author-Chan: aww('∀`)

SasukeKun: crying tears of joy of course

Author-Chan: aha thought so, to answer his question he'd be crying his eyes out

Author-Chan: for Naru

SasukeKun: no I wouldn't

Author-Chan: from _-uNspOken-_: Naruto don't you have a Swag-no-jusu?

Naruto_Uchiha: yes ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎

SasukeKun: swaggity swag

Author-Chan: ok then

Saiisgay:  FUN FACT! Swag stands for 'Secretly We Are Gay'

SasukeKun: -_-

Author-Chan: moving on, for sai from niylaah: What's your favourite thing to paint?

Saiisgay: oh, I haven't painted in a while. I used to paint bird and landscape sceneries, I should make some more time for my painting. Just to settle down and paint something

nejiHYUGA: Jesus you answered that in a calm, civilised way, are you ok??

Saiisgay: I can be normal from time to time :)

Author-Chan: hehe ok, this is for Naru from OTP_Ships: Naruto would you consider a threesome with neji or sai is sasugay wanted it

Naruto_Uchiha: no, I wouldn't

nejiHYUGA: I'd prefer to not be included in such vulgar activities

Saiisgay: I'm all in! ;)

Author-Chan: of course you would sai

Author-Chan: for Neji from Queen_Raven26: Why are you so protective of hinata?

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