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I pick up the pen and paper, but don't know what to add
Sinking and drowning, lost direction
God are you glad?
I had it all and watched it fall. Painful rejection

Why let me experience happiness for a day
If you intended to take it all away
I'm tired of this repetition
Always taking constant motion

Why not just let me live a life of solitude, of sadness
Trust me, I wouldn't mind it in the slightest
Each time you let the light brighten the dark
The higher I rise, gravitated to that spark

And we all know the higher you are,
the harder you fall,
until you are left with nothing at all
Perhaps happiness is meant to be an illegal immigrant in my life
Never belonging but yearning to arrive

While I let the ink bleed, and the words flow,
I am lost in life, which direction, I do not know.
I'm so afraid to choose a path of happiness
Because it ultimately causes sadness

I'm currently forced to watch a video called "can men and women just be friends" and it says men will befriend you if they have the tiniest attraction... ok I have no hope now cause no one will be attracted to me. Bye bye self-esteem

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