Chapter 12

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For the last two weeks I was subject to all different types of torture. It ranged from beatings to electrocution to water torture. I only knew when a day had passed because every day Mario would put a tally mark on the wall to let me know how many days it had been. He called it his way of keeping me slightly sane before he broke what was left of my sanity.

After about the first week I was completely unresponsive to the torture, well only if you counted the occasional vomiting from being electrocuted.

The moments that I was left to recuperate were almost worse than the torture. I had reset my nose twice and popped my shoulder back in its socket so that they could heal properly. There wasn't much I could do about the broken ribs and my 3 broken toes. There were two on my left foot and one broken on my right.

I stared at the door as it opened, mentally preparing myself for today's round of torture. Mario came in and looked at me with a soft smile, the way a father would look at his son.

"Montero our journey is coming to an end," He told me fondly petting my head as if I was a cat or something.

I was suspicious at how nice he was being," So soon? And here I thought we were having fun."

"Still snarky I see. You won't be after what I have prepared for you next but for now I'll be nice. Two nice ladies are going to come feed you and bathe you. Then I shall send in my last and final gift." He said staring at the door as two women came in with their heads bowed moving a cart." Be nice to them please."

I rolled my eyes knowing there was nothing he could do to break me. "Sure."

"My little white rose built from Isolation and broken by it too." He sighed softly petting my head making me flinch away uncomfortably.

I frowned at him," White rose? What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you. Only the truly special ones make it this far. This will break you my little rose," his voice was empty as he said that as he vanished out of the room.

I just stared at the door before my attention was given to the ladies in front of me. They pulled an iron tub filled with bubbles and water out the large cart. They had a tray of food and what I guessed was lemonade along with a few washcloths and fresh clothes.

"I'm Julia and this is Susan. Please don't be shy we're only here to help." The brown haired women with dark brown eyes told me.

Susan came over to me helping me pull off my shirt and the rest of my clothes before the both helped me get into the tub. There wasn't a word uttered between the three of us. An awkward silence spread between us as Julia started to wash me softly cleaning some of the dried blood, sweat, and grime off of me. Susan on the other hand started feeding me spoons of broccoli and cheddar soup before holding the lemonade up to my lips for me to drink.

Julia helped adjust my position so she could get my back," Well dear I'm happy to say that this is your last day in this place but I must warn you...he only sends us in when the unspeakable is going to be done."

I nodded not feeling like speaking as my mouth went dry, my stomach hurt a little from not having food in a while.

Both Julia and Susan helped me dry off before getting me into a pair of grey sweatpants and a loose blue shirt. Then they helped me back on the bed, chaining my hands to the wall but leaving my legs free. I let them without a fight knowing that they enjoyed it even less than I did.

They put their supplies back on the cart and knocked on the door. It opened revealing the Mario's three henchmen. I had come to call them earth, wind, and fire. The biggest one I called Fire because of his flaming red hair, the smallest was Earth because of his forest green eyes, and the last was Wind because went well with the other names.

"If another beating is how he's going to break me then I think he's learned nothing about me." I chuckled.

Wind started to unbuckle his belt," Remember I called first dibs."

I froze watching the three of them. Fire was staring at me with lustful eyes and my stomach dropped hoping I was wrong about what was coming next.

Wind had fully come out of his pants leaving him fully exposed as he started to inch closer to me.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get the hell away from me!" I yelled kicking at him but he easily grabbed them holding them in place.

My ribs chose this time to remind me of how broken they were.

He held my legs down while earth started to pull down my pants leaving me open and vulnerable. I wasn't given new underwear so I was completely commando. I started to panic my heart racing as I tried to move my legs and arms but I was too weak. Torture did that to you. Lack of food did that to you.

"Why do you get to go first again?" Fire asked looking down at me making me look away in embarrassment.

"Leave me alone you disgusting assholes!" I screamed but they just ignored me. Earth took a gagged out of his pocket and after some struggling and me biting him a few times he secured it on my face.

"Because I called dibs, not only that but we did rock, paper, scissors and you guys lost."

I looked around for anyway out of this situation as Wind climbed on top of me. His hands making me shiver in pure disgust as they crept under my shirt. I pulled at the cuffs around my wrist knowing my legs couldn't do much because of my damn ribs.

"This is going to fun. I wonder Montero are you a screamer, crier, or the silent type." Earth said and that was the first time I had heard him utter a word. His voice was completely void of emotion staring into my eyes as Wind shoved into me rough without warning making me wince in pain.

I had no choice but to lay there and take it. By the time they each had their turn I tuned out completely staring at the ceiling. And for the first time in a long time I prayed. I prayed for it to end. I knew as tears welled in my eyes falling silently that Mario had succeeded. All pride....all dignity I had was stripped away from me as they raped me repeatedly, taking breaks to punch the shit out me when I was close to checking out completely.

Once they were done they left me in a puddle of my own blood, they took the cuffs pff my hands knowing I was too broken to bother moving.

I felt humiliated. Torture and beatings were one thing but rape....that was something different entirely. It was a new type of pain, one Christo had never showed me. I felt like a little boy again scared of the monsters I thought hid under my bed. My father had prepared me for all different kinds pain....but not this. He taught me how to ignore physical pain, he never showed me how to deal with the mental kind.

I cried. For the first time since I was a little boy I cried. My body heaved in pain as tears rolled down my face. I choked on my sobs making my ribs along with my lower half hurt even more. It felt like I was dying as I tried to catch my breath. My hands were too weak to move, all of me felt weak as I laid there in self-loathing and pure hatred for them all.

Mario's words echoed in my brain. I want you to feel all the pain I have to offer you Montero.

He stayed true to his word he made me feel it they all did, and once I got out I would return the favor. I turned to side slightly, throwing up the little contents in my stomach before my eyes closed groaning as I finally blacked out.

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