i've never minded nightmares, i welcomed them with open arms.
the thrill of seeking danger without the consequences always felt right.
never did i think that nightmares would become the thing i avoided.
never did i think they'd be the thing to keep me up at night.
they were always your typical bad dreams, deadly and intimidating.
then one night i closed my eyes and only saw your face.
it was bound to be a good dream, until i tried to talk.
you looked right through me as if i didn't exist.
i guess that's the moment it really settled in, that i truly realized.
the scariest thing of all was not death, it was always losing you.
i was never afraid of the dark, i was afraid of the light leaving me in only that.
i was never afraid of heights, i was afraid to climb my hopes up only to fall back down.
i was never afraid of crowds, i was afraid of us being in the same one on opposite sides.
the scariest thing is and never will be any of those.
the scariest thing will always be the thought of losing you.
because if i didn't have you, there'd be nothing left.