Chapter 33
Bridget's POV
My alarm woke me the next day with Niall's arms wrapped around my body. I had to do back to school today; the bruise has died down from yesterday, but it was still visible. "Babe, I have to go get ready. Let me go"
He groaned and squeezed me tighter. "No." He had a whiney tone "Stay with me for five more minutes," His voice was really raspy and it was extremely sexy.
But I couldn't give in, showing up on time is huge for me, "Niall I really can't, I have to get into the shower."
"Then let me join" I looked over at him and he had a smirk on his face
"I can't" I pulled away from his embrace and went into my bathroom. I took a long shower careful of my eye since it still was really painful.
I got out and got changed; Today was tan skinny jeans with a sweatshirt. I wasn't really in a mood to dress up. Working on covering my bruise up, Taylor walked in, "Hey," she saw what I was doing "Here, let me help." I handed her my concealer and she put her finger to my face, I flinched; her hands were cold and it hurt, "Sorry..."
It was quiet in the room and when she was done I put my glasses on, since I couldn't put contacts in and walked out. Before I got to the door Taylor stopped me again "Are you sure you want to go in today? I can call you in sick and we can watch movies all day. I can order pizza and buy ice cream. Spend it with the boys, what do you think?"
I shook my head "I can do this, but can you pick me up? So that I know you're there if I get stopped again...?" She smiled at me, and nodded.
We walked out together and reached the school in a matter of minutes, "Good luck Bridg." I stepped out and headed to my first hour; choir.
Rachel, the girl who I had started to become friends with, was in that class too, so I sat next to her. "Hey Bridget!! Are you excited for today?" I looked at her confused, "Oh gosh you don't know, we do battles in class once every two weeks to see who the best is and they get to leave 10 minutes early of class and do whatever they want!"
I didn't really want to but I guess its part of the class. Yesterday before everything happened the two most popular girls asked me to try out for the basketball team. I was hesitant about it all, knowing never to mix with the "populars" in school. But I kind of I liked the thought of being the popular girl in school.
I never was at my old school, I was always the nerdy one that was poor. Try-outs were in a week and I still haven't decided if I wanted to or not. They also invited me to their party this weekend but I declined, wanted to be with Niall all weekend before he left.
"Bridget and Scarlet will be battling now. Scarlet, why don't you draw for the song." She put her hand in the hat that had the songs and pulled out a small piece of paper, she opened it and read out the song "Never Grow Up"
"You got to fucking be kidding me," I mumbled under my breath and I heard people laugh in the background. It's not that I didn't like the song it's just that Taylor wrote it for me and I get emotional every time her or I sing it.
We started singing it, I had the second verse, we both did the chorus and then I had the whole bridge. At the end I was in tears again, people actually felt bad for me. I just didn't want to be there anymore, "Well who won that one?" everyone yelled out my name, meaning I had to go against another person,
I got to choose the song this time "Just a Kiss, Lady Antebellum" we sung that song and unfortunately I won that one too. It was down to me and some other girl. "Back to December"

Adopted by Taylor Swift
FanfictionTaylor Swift adopts a broken down girl that doesnt want help. Does Taylor get through to Bridget? Will Bridget get over her addiction or will it get to the best of her? (In the middle of editing when i have time. I apologize for the poor grammar an...