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。✨ 。🎉。🌟
Happy New Year
。🍀。 🍸。🎉。
🌟。 💫。 🎶 💥

I'm sorry for not writing it was because

A) No Wi-Fi
B) I was at my na

tive place with all my cousins, so I was busy enjoying life for a change. Yes, I socialised *gasp*

C) Massive writers block. Literally. I know what to write but I feel to lazy to write.

So instead I decided to do 50 things about me. Most don't care but I needed to do something.

1) I am 14 (Sept. 30 2002)

2) I like reading and writing.

3) My favourite number is 3

4) My name means 'prosperity'

5) I like the course red and black.

6) I have black hair and black eyes. Like my soul.

7) I started Wattpad when I was 12, two years ago.

8) I love *cough*obsess over*cough* BTS. Mainly Suga and Jungkook.

9) The only person I know in life in Wattpad is my friend ficsainty and recently ChimsWifeu13

10) I like everything chocolate flavored.

11) I watch a lot of anime and K-Drama.

12) I learned to read Korean to read subtitles.

13) I like Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Melanie Martinez, Little mix and some other artists I'm too lazy to name.

14) I eat a lot. Like a LOT. It's like I have a hole on my stomach.

15) I am around 156 - 157cm short, I mean tall.

16) I hate spiders. I don't care if it's small of big. They are creatures of evil. *shudders*

17) I have slight insomnia. I can go without sleep for 2 to 3 days. Even though I'm have insomnia I like sleep.

18) I am a non-vegetarian

19) I love Sherlock.

20) I have a weird obsession with Ava Butterfields.

21) I hate Percy Jackson movies. If anyone says they love it......well........ I'll pay them a visit....... Only me and them......and my chainsaw.

22) I have watched over a 100 anime. I am not kidding. I have a list.

23) I like swimming. I have a few medals.

24) I sleep alone and I have watched so many ghost movies that when I off the light I literally jump to bed while only stepping on the ground once, sometimes I sleep with the lights on.

25) The last person I called was my friend. The last person who called me was my dad.

26) I am single.

27) I am Asian.

28) I hate Math.

29) I love/adore Chemistry. I byhearted the periodic table a few years ago.

30) The last book I finished reading was a Tintin comic. The book I'm currently reading is Skulduggery Pleasant: Mortal Coil. It's awesome so far. It's sitting right next to me. The last movie I saw in theater was Moana.

31) The only book I cried reading was The Fault in Our Stars. *burst into tears*

32) I have never cried while watching a movie even though I have seen a lot of movies.

33) The only makeup I use is eyeliner. And I love wearing earrings only big ones.

34) The first anime I watched was Code Geass, and I still have a hole in my heart. I'm not counting Pokemon, Doraemon or Shin-Chan.

35) I have very small hands.

36) I'm a girl. If you haven't figured out.

37) I like to eat when I read.

38) My room is not at all neat. I don't even have space to sleep in my bed.

39) I have a pretty big book collection.

40) I can't imagine a life without Wi-Fi

41) Once my mom cooked me something and left it on the stove, and was shorter than I am now, so I had to grab a chair and see what it was. The chair moved a bit back and I slipped and I practically kissed the hot utensil, burning my lips.

42) I was born on September 30 2002. At 4:15

43) Even while chatting with friends I never use 'u' '2' or anything like that. Most of the time I use proper grammar and punctuation marks.

44) I am running out of ideas.

45) I like HoO better that PJO. But I don't like The Lost Hero. I also don't like Jason on Piper especially after Piper said Jason was better than Percy. It is a shared opinion between my friends and me.

46) Yes I have friends.

47) I made counting mistakes several times while writing this.

48) I'm pretty flexible.

49) Ilike to read the comments you leave, like seriously!! Every comment and every vote is appreciated. I love it.


And that ends it.

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