Screamin' in the Sixties

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I was happy that Pete and I had one class together. After school I asked Pete "Can I show you something?" He nodded and I took him into the thick woods next to the school. I showed him a grove, it was bright and sunny full of flowers. I laid in the soft grass feeling the sun on my face "I come here after school, it's like my safe place." He laid next to me throwing his jacket with our backpacks. He moved closer to me and sat up just enough to kiss me.
He kissed me. Oh my god he kissed me! When he pulled away I opened my eyes blushing "Pete." He smiled, blushing as well "Yeah?" I smiled back pecking his lips. That was my first kiss, and it was magic, electric, dare I say perfect.

He laid back next to me and I began weaving flowers into a flower crown and I sat up with Pete placing it on his head "You look even cuter." He smiled looking down at the grass "I heard some of the girls talking about homecoming." I nodded "I never go, I always end up here." He took my hands "Patrick let's go together." I smiled at him, the flower crown falling on the opposite side of his fringe. "Okay, I just don't want to be made fun of." He hugged me "Patrick I will protect you." I smiled, I knew he couldn't protect me from my parents.

My parents, I had to get home, today was Wednesday so they got off work early. I looked to Pete "I have to go." He nodded and I ran down the trail trying to swing my bag over my shoulder. I continued to run till I was home. It began. My parents acted religious, but my Dad was a drunk and my mom was a slut who denied that she paid the bills with sex. I opened the door and walked in.

They were yelling in the middle of another fight, my dad threw a chair at my mom almost hitting me. I just continued to walk to my room in the basement. I liked it, it was cool living in what I called the bat cave.

White walls, white bed, white sheets, white everything. It was like a hospital, but silent. I pulled one of my records out from under my bed placing it on my record player in the corner of the room trying to drown out the yelling.

Happy words, happy songs, all from the 1960's. I got up deciding what to wear tomorrow, I pulled out a hat, jeans, a blue shirt, and a dark grey vest. I liked how I dressed and society couldn't get me to change anyway. As I changed into sweats and a sweatshirt I noticed a paper in my flannel pocket.

I pulled it out and smiled, Pete's number, he must've snuck it in earlier at school. Ugh, school. I didn't want to go tomorrow. I pinned it to the board and laid down on my bed humming along to my favorite songs as the fight continued upstairs.

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