Wire Tree with Nail Polish Leaves

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Hello again! So this is a craft where you make a small tree out of wire and then use nail polish to color the leaves.


Okay, so I already had a wire tree from my grandmother that I could use. You'll have to find a tutorial for that. I did have to bend the ends into leaf shapes though, which took about a half hour. Each leaf shouldn't be too big, around a half inch long and a quarter of an inch wide. Slightly different shapes and sizes are fine, they'll just add to the variety.

Then I painted the leaves. I used fall colors for an autumn tree, but you could use greens for spring, pink for blossoms, or whatever colors you want. It's basically like bubbles: you have to get enough polish in the leaf to stretch it out over the space. But you also can't put too much polish or it will just drip everywhere.

Simple enough, by there are a LOT of leaves to paint. I wanted my leaves to be pretty opaque, so I went over them a few times to make sure the color was solid.

The polish dries fairly quickly, but try not to bump the leaves against each other or with your hand to avoid "popping" the polish bubbles.

After I painted all of the leaves and they dried, I also painted the base with a red-brown color to stick with the fall theme.


A gorgeous craft that doesn't require much skill, just patience and time.


-Use nail polish with large brushes to make sure you can cover the whole leaf at once.
-When painting, twist your leaves so they are horizontal. This will help to spread the polish evenly across the leaf and minimize "popping".
-Paint the edge of the leaf before trying to spread polish across the middle. It makes the whole process easier.

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